Freedom Day Funk

It’s not even worth writing anything new. What follows below is a blog post from three years ago. Nothing has changed in J’accuse’s outlook. Freedom Day is still essentially a Non Sequitur in the list of days which Maltese call National. Freedom Day is about as much a reason to celebrate and as solemn as a pub crawl. Joseph Muscat apparently got the Freedom Fighters all worked up at the funny carnival float monument in Vittoriosa.

In a sort of seance sans ouija board he invoked the spirits of Mikiel Anton Vassalli and Manwel Dimech and spoke about the walking spirit of Dominic Mintoff the revolutionary who “freed” his country by letting a contract run out and refusing to renew it. The man who is fast becoming a champion of useless causes has now called for a serious debate on having one National Day. Screw that Joey! We need more National Days… I’d hate to come back to Malta to have less National Days than when I left. Surely you understand… without national holidays you could not run off to Sicily and neglect protocol duties (nudge, nudge, wink wink).


Free Malta needed to look to the future with confidence that it could be the best in Europe, formed of people of different beliefs who worked together. Dr Muscat concluded his speech with the cry: Viva Malta Indipendenti, Viva Malta Repubblika, Viva Malta Hielsa u Maghquda.. Earlier, PL deputy leader Toni Abela said this Freedom Day was particularly significant because the current problem of illegal immigration was an opportunity for the government to exercise its political freedom and to take a stand in the EU on the issue.

I’ve got German homework to do so I will not explain why the above sentences had me in fits. Joseph Muscat is probably naive enough to think that yelling “Viva Malta Indipendenti” is some sort of concession to the kind of kitsch reconciliation he has in mind. To most Labourites it’s a bit like a partitarju of San Bastjan yelling “Viva San Gorg”… which is probably the platform from which his serious debate is launched. Let’s not go into Toni Abela’s ideas on illegal immigration… best leave that to others…

So here’s to Freedom Day… J’accuse.. three years ago… still valid in this day and age (btw Fausto DID make a correction – go to the original post to check it out):

Happy Freedom Day
… to all those who still do not get the joke
…to all those who are free to vote MLPN
…to all those who still think that Mintoff kicked out the British army & NATO
… to all those who believe that the non-renewal of a contract merits some heroic medal
… to all those who love the carnival float of a monument
… to all those who will think I am a nationalist bastard just because I think Freedom Day sucks
… to all those who think I am an unpatriotic punk
… to all those who will not go watch the Regatta
… to all those who do not think Republic and Independence day are enough
… to all those who are tempted to start a string of apologetic comments
… to Fausto who will come up with some historic correction
… to diehard Labourites
… to anyone who once formed part of the Brigati Laburisti
… to anyone who once formed part of Dirghajn il-Maltin
… to anyone who thinks Mintoff’s thick black glasses and belt are funky
… to the cactus, the oar and the luzzu under a hot sun
… to the government
… to the opposition
… to the bloody rest


“sono troppo stitico per fare lo stronzo”
– Caparezza, Habemus Capa

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One Response to “Freedom Day Funk”

  1. Fausto Majistral April 1, 2009 at 7:47 pm #

    I’ve got German homework to do so I will not explain why the above sentences had me in fits.

    Er, is that German humour?