I.M. Jack (the return)
Times on EP elections
The Times of Malta online site has a funky new European Elections section. It may not be believable at first sight but the Times remains the most avant-garde of newspaper sites available in Malta. The Strickland House publication has decided to capitalise on the internet fever during election time and one must commend the little elves who worked on the creation of the site. The format is easy going and decided into three sections: the news, an info page on the European parliament elections and a page dedicated to the candidates and – where possible – an update on candidates blogging affairs. It is heart warming to see the professionals following the lines of where amateurs dared tread. I am speaking of course of The Malta Chronicle – a weblog that first saw the light with the 2008 March Elections.
It was only a matter of time that the MSM would (rightly) delve into the more real and immediate world of real time info exchange. It goes without saying that the Times’ venture remains primarily a one-way affair of provision of information. In a way we can only thank God because the quality of commenting on the main site is pitiable.
Strike Out 960
One of the news items on the EP election site right now is that of the 960 European nationals who have been struck off the electoral register. AD Chairman and EP candidate Cassola has already condemned this striking off. He has alleged that the correct procedure for striking voters off registers was not followed and has called for their reinstatement (onto the register). We have not yet had our share of conspiracy theories regarding the reason for the striking off. Will Joseph Muscat or Anglu Farrugia have another field day? J’accuse’s bets are all on a bureaucratic cock-up and not on the usual PLPN comedic antics.
Opinion Polls
These do not normally count for much but an online poll on the Times points to the possibility that for the Maltese electorate, or at least for those who bother voting in polls, the most important issue for this EP election will be immigration. The candidates from Sharon to Marthese to Yvonne must be breathing a sigh of relief for this kind of issue allows them to come up with inconsequential, broad, sweeping declarations about how the nasty big countries up North should finance our little island’s efforts to keep the swarms of boats at bay.
Incidentally, one of the vessels performing duties on the next Frontex missions will be an aeroplane provided by that huge country that straddles half the mainland continent…. Luxembourg.
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This has been j’accuse… going medieval on your brain.