What's on his mind now?

Da Costa gets up close and personal
I recently added free-to-air satellite to my numerous channels at home and have begun to follow UK tv on a regular basis. One of the stories that struck me last week (BBC) was that of Richard da Costa – a communications consultant and actor who took time out from work to live for four days with pigs. I watched about five minutes of the programme during which da Costa perfected his different grunts and told the audience that pigs really had personality.
As we all know, personality goes a long way but I wonder what da Costa is thinking now – almost ten days later – what with the piggy virus thingy reaching pandemic levels. I thought of him when reading guidelines on the virus. It seems that it’s ok to eat piggy stuff like sausages or well cooked pork (above 70 degrees). What is not ok is to have direct contact with pigs. For a second I wondered who, apart from farmers, would be silly enough to spend time with pigs. Da Costa… that’s who!