Kemm hi tajba ta' Pooh (Bertoon Pulped)


“Kemm hi tajba ta’ Pooh”. J’accuse and Bertu of Bertoons Fame discuss next Sunday’s toon over the internet. The conversation has been edited. Get your Malta Independent on Sunday to discover what Bertu decides to draw in the end. Warning: the conversation foes not necessarily reflect the end product.

me:  int hemm?
 Bertu:  iva
mort nistrieh siegha u ergajt gejt
 me:  ghandi erba ideat
kolllha jinvolvu hniezer
 Bertu: :)
 me:  wahda bil-hniezer itiru stile Magritte
 Bertu:  three little pigs
 me:  Forget If Pigs can fly… time to worry about the Pig’s (that) “Flu”
 Bertu:  lol

 me:  jew inkella…
caption ohra
(get it?…. better not!)
taht l-istess image
 Bertu:  ahjar

 me:  dik il-bazika
imbaghad hemm ohra
pig fuq psychiatrists chair
u ghandu hafna thought bubbles
Economic Crisis
EP elections
Pig Flu
Portuguese Man’O’War
caption: What? Me? Worry?
(with apologies to Garfield)

 Bertu:  ghaliex ma nuzawx it three little pigs?
 me:  mela ghala le
 Bertu:  forget the big bad wolfe
 me:  jew naghmlu platt
English Breakfast
sausages (timbru Bovine Spongiform)
Bajd (timbru SARS)
Bacon (label pig flu)
caption: W.H.O let the virus out?
 Bertu:  kollha tajbin

 me:  hehe
jien tal The Pigs Flu toghgobin
dwar three little pigs
ma nafx
jekk ghandek idea fajjar
 Bertu:  inpingi 3  pigs itiru

 me:  hemm ohra
Bertu:  kemm hi tajba ta pooh
(with apologies to William Golding)
ijja tajba
 Bertu:  hniezer itiru
taht kaccaturi maltin
caption Pig’s flu
maltese solution
 me:  naqa stereotype
tihom break tal-kacca qieghdin bravi
 Bertu:  le dan l-ahhar qatlu xi ghasafar

 me:  bejn The Pigs Flu (get it? better not)
Lord of the Flu (with apologies to William Golding)
qishom dawk it-tnejn hajruni
 Bertu:  3 hniezer itiru mela

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