Pratchett on Alzheimer's
Just received this month’s edition of The Discworld Monthly – a fanzine of all things Pratchett. It seems that the master’s latest book “Unseen Academicals” will soon see the light of day. There is also another story in the making and it is called “I Shall Wear Midnight” which according to Terry “will, in theory, begin immediately, but will probably be held up by the necessity to tidy up the office so we can at least find the kitchen. And the floor.”
Also on The Discworld Monthly I discovered that Terry has been quoted on the series Criminal Minds when one character says: ” “They say light is the fastest thing in the universe, but are wrong, darkness is always there first” – one of Terry’s great quotables.
The highlight of this month’s mag must be Terry’s signing off paragraph. As many of you may know, Terry has been diagnosed as suffering from Alzheimer’s. It was a sad bit of news for all Discworld followers but Pratchett seems to be taking it with his trademark sense of humour:
People continue to ask them after my health and I thank them, but the facts is that when I tell people what the symptoms might be they all interrupt by telling me; that happens to me, I’ve lost count of how many times I’ve gone upstairs and forgotten what I am there for, I continuously lose my keys. In short, I’m not sure how many of the things I notice are to do with the disease (which I certainly have because I have seen the scans) or simply because,
to the best of my knowledge, I have never experienced being 61 before.All the best.
Terry Pratchett
Great stuff. As usual.