Yes SHE can (divorce)

She'll want half (does that include Maldini?)
Veronica Lario, wife of Italy’s Premier Silvio Berlusconi, has announced her intention to divorce from her husband. Her business I guess. She seems to have had enough of the antics of her donnaiolo husband – last of which involved putting veline on the electoral lists for the European Parliament in order to garner those extra votes. Berlusconi’s timid reply to Veronica’s anger to the Lista della Coscia does not seem to have sufficed and the wife of the Italian Media Magnate has decided to call it a day. Ironically, the wife of the leader of one of the major partners of the Nationalist Party in the European Popular Party can divorce. Divorce is actually no problem for most its partners in the PPE – actually you would be hard put to find member parties of the PPE who do have a problem with it.
The divorce of the Italian Prime Minister
Guest: Silvio Berlusconi
Host: Bruno Vespa
TV Station: RAIUNO
Date: Tuesday, 5th May 2009
Time: 11.30p.m.