Hogwash – the Flores way
Charles Flores writing in today’s Independent, for more of the drivel click here:
Today, it is acknowledged by most well-meaning citizens of both the Right and the Left – as well as that important minority at the ill-defined centre of Maltese politics – that what did it for the party in government was the habitual influx, from across the water, of the blue brigade of expatriate Maltese. These people live overseas, particularly in Europe, and quickly grab the cheap, don’t-mind-if-we-don’t-make-a-profit Air Malta ticket on offer and take time off from their politically-sponsored, safe jobs on the Continent to take part in a confidence trick that so obviously works when the other party has, for some reason or other, not garnered enough support to activate to the desired degree an electoral swing.
It’s Labour… Daphne style. J’accuse feels personally involved, so here are a few comments from an expat member of the “blue brigade”:
1. Fairy Tales
Flores claims of stories abounding of people wanting to find a place on the subsidised flight who were first refused then allowed on to what turned out to be a half-empty flight. Is it possible these persons are nowhere to be seen or heard? Or is it like his colleague Gino Cauchi writing in yesterday’s Times claiming that he could not find someone to go to Court and bear witness against a member of his own family who had come to vote from abroad? Continues…
2. Blue is the Colour
Once again we ignore the fact that even if the totality of expats were ‘stupid’ enough to vote “blue” they would have every damn right to do so. What Charlie should be complaining about, as J’accuse has done over and over again, is the fact that because of the PLPN entente cordiale when it comes to marshalling voters (as sort of Geneva Rules of War regulating the use of white phosphorous) we still cannot vote at an embassy.
Of course what really bothers Charlie is the fact that when the majority of intelligent expats are allowed to go ahead with their right to vote and to do so in an embassy they would still prefer the PN to the PL (again, in their majority). Whether voting by mail, via plane ride or in an embassy, Charlie readily admits that the PN seems to enjoy a comfortable margin among the expat community. He does more than admit though. He complains. Imagine I had to complain that the people in government estates in, let’s say, Ta” Xbiex, should not be allowed to vote because they tend to vote Labour. What a load of hogwash.
3. Politically-sponsored, Safe Jobs
And again. The levels of intolerance of others people’s voting habits (no matter how blinkered) are incredible. Even assuming that ALL the expats vote PN (which they don’t) or that the majority do so (which could be, but not in the large numbers Flossie seems to be thinking in), Flossie has it wrong. A large proprotion of the people flying back HOME on those flights are workers with the EU institutions. To get into an EU institution you have to sit for what is called a concours and fight off the competition of hundreds of others for the same place. Thankfully for free-thinking, non-party-card carrying citizens like myself party fidelity gets you nowhere on the “Continent”. What does help is good qualifications and a thinking brain – something that is probably beyond the level of understanding of Flossie who betrays strong signs of thinking in terms of Mintoffian give-aways or the Nationalist close-an-eye mentality.
The few of us who are not chosen through an exam – like myself for example – are chosen on the basis of their knowledge in the field and believe you me it would be hard for a laggard to stick out five years as a referendaire with colleagues including academics and professors. Waving a PLPN flag would not help me in the least. In case Flossie is wondering, I also successfully sat for a concours and am a fonctionnaire for all intents and purposes. Because of the non-long term nature of my main job I can fall back on the ” safe” job of jurist linguist any time.
Now it is evident that Flossie is speaking from his backside when it comes to this matter (and that explains J’accuse’s ire) but he probably had in mind the various assistants in Parliament who are drafted and paid for by our valiant MEPs. They require no other qualification than being good, faithful, servants of the MEP concerned. Then again it ain’t such a safe job since it tends to be quite terminal should the MEP not get re-elected.
So what world is Flossie coming from? It is the world of “ghira” (jealousy). The world that wants to bulldozer all differences between cittadini and make us all equally stupid, incapable of competing with the rest of Europe for proper work places that have no sponsor of any sort. He probably resents the existence of people like myself who do not feel lke we OWE our vote to anyone. Like Daphne, but from a different perspective, he cannot take how horribly arrogant we can be when we decide to use our vote for the party we actually think is saying something that tickles our neurons and not regurgating the hogwash that he so evidently feeds on. Well, in that case, I am proud to be an object of hate.
3. Who’s on the plane anyway?
And finally Flossie. Before you go on whinging about Labour’s relative lack of muscle, like your colleague Gino Cauchi, about who gets on the plane and how, allow me to remind you that after the last elections it was not Lawrence Gonzi who tabled a list of citizens’ names in Parliament. It was Alfred Sant (the same one who spent part of his formative years in a comfortable, safe job in Brussels then wanted to deny everyone else the same experience) who somehow had a list of Airmalta passengers at his fingertips. Where was the Data Protection Gino Cauchi whinged so much about yesterday? Where were you Flossie? Still gnashing your teeth at this ridiculous constitution that allows people to vote for parties you do not like?
I should damn you Flossie. I’ve wasted a good fifteen minutes of my Sunday morning pointing out your hogwash argument. Instead I thank you for the stark reminder of how horribly blinkered the products of PLPN can be. Your political methods of conviction are incredible. I am sure Mintoff and Kim Il Sung would be proud.
I’m much more motivated to find place on the plane now. And if I don’t I will not be thinking in terms of Flossie and blaming one party or another. I will be thinking what a shame of a democracy I live in that does not allow all its citizens normal access to voting and reduces a normal democratic activity to a lottery scramble for places on a charter plane.
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