While the Government of Malta struggles to reassure it’s citizens that it will do everything in its power to ensure that Valletta retains its World Heritage Status (funny, for a moment one got the feeling that the Government was the threat in the first place) art around the world has been having a rough time.
Two unrelated stories of persons venting their anger on art pieces have once again shown that people believe that they could use our common heritage as ransom for whatever personal troubles need attention. A russian woman threw a ceramic cup at bullet-proofed Mona Lisa in the Louvre out of frustration for not having obtained French nationality. The wry smile of Da Vinci’s painting must have been the straw that broke the camel’s back and the lady decided to vent her anger at the French administrative system by attempting to destroy one of the iconic images in the Louvre.
Art as a medium to channel our anger? Makes you wonder if this trend will catch on.
One reply on “Anger and Art”
If anyone gets angry with your posts again, just remind yourself that it’s the art that’s causing the reaction …
The Unexpected Traveller