
Wankellectual, Wankellectual, Wankellectual

Wankellectuals of the world unite! They’ve woken up and sniffed a vacuum. And they will battle to fill/void it in their very special way. The progressive intellectuals of New Labour started it, they did. Here is speaking of new “think tank” IDEAT that was probably the result of cell mitosis at Labour HQ. Coming from the worst English language newspaper online you cannot expect Oxford English but here are some excerpts anyway:

Labour Leader Joseph Muscat insisted that the think tank has “card blanche” on its policies and hoped it can influence not only the PL but also other parties. “I would not be surprised if other parties would take the ideas that will come forward from this think tank. The time of monopolies is over.”

“even though the Left-movement have been given a good momentum, it is still lacking to get its arguments across to the people and unless this is done, very little change can ever happen.”

“Politics is very similar to journalist. It is based on credibility. Thus, this think tank has to forget theories and be practical,” Grima said. He noted that while the country has economical improved, he questioned whether this society has become more open-minded.”

That was mainly Maltastar and I cannot find the original article that was rife with mistakes. It’s not the point though. What is interesting is this buzzword “progressive” that simply just cannot make the mark of itself. Just like Daphne’s “cool/uncool” classification the “progressive/conservative” divide falls flat on its face once you realise that beneath the shaky surface of pseudo-intellectualism lies a clear current of the Same Old Bull. It’s early days but the signs are there… More of this later on in J’accuse… but for now we ain’t impressed one bit.

Meanwhile the intellectual vacuum looks destined to be as undiscovered and unexplored as the remote corners of the multi-verse. Wankellectuals of the world unite!

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8 replies on “Wankellectual, Wankellectual, Wankellectual”

Like much that the Labour Party takes a long time working on, maltastar’s search facility doesn’t function. When you key in IDEAT and then click on the link to the article, it takes you back to the homepage. When you copy and paste the article ‘link’ into your browswer, it gives you a dead result. The same thing happens when you search ‘IDEAT maltastar’ through Google. The article shows up, but the link takes you to the home page and not to the full article. So what you do is click on ‘cached’, and there it is. If you can’t manage, you’ll find the whole thing uploaded on my blog in a minute.

@ Maltapamphleteer
Kos, tikteb fl-istess stil ta dak il-barbut Mario Vella…..ghandikun din xi watersbroken ohra?

@ Mario Vella
Grazzi tal-kumment. Mela hemm iehor jikteb tqil bhalek. Nghid ghalija, ha jaqbadni brejkdawn naqra l-gazzetti bhalissa…..bejn il-frufru-agni ta Gerrard James Borg, ic-cucati ta Micallef Leyson, il-gustifikazzjonijiet (mhux mitluba) ta Mike Seychel u dawk l-artikli enciklopedici tieghek….qed iqabbduni l-hakk.

Sully, finesse as usual – and you were doing so good.

Mario, that can only mean that Pamph(etc) is another addition to the panoply – which can only be good.

Pamph. Nice “blog” going. Pity about the comment non-facility and the length of posts that tend to denature the medium you chose. As for this Cult blog becoming passé… wishful thinking mate… this blog’s soul has remained the same for the last 5 years and there ain’t no column anywhere that’s gonna change it. Welcome to the blogosphere…now be a good boy and enable comments.

Sully, helwa r-round-up li ghamiltilna, especially ic-cirasa tal-” frufru-agni ta’ Gerard James Borg”. He he he. Biex tikteb fuq l-eyelashes twal ta’ Pierre Portelli qisu xi Raul Bova trid tkun vera pervertit.

Imbaghad li tahseb li dak kien Mario Vella Maxxina sempliciment ghax “jikteb tqil bhalu”, tajba ukoll madonna! Ha hajj.

Ghalija, il-pamphleteer sthajjiltu l-love child ta’ Mark-Anthony Falzon, l-ex blogger Vlad u Ranier (mujahababes) Fsadni. Ghogobni jkolli nghid. Intih seven on ten. Ghal haga wahda qed nitlob: li m’ghandux x’jaqsam mat-Tink Tenk ta’ Inhobbkom Joseph. Ghax imbaghad inkunu ghaxxaqniha.

@ Kim Jong II
Imn’alla tfajt il-kumment tieghek. Hsibt li kont wahdi nidardar kull nhar ta Sibt waqt li nkun qed nmaxtar il-Corn Flakes u naqra t-times u nibda naqra il-bluhat ta Gerard James Borg – li dejjem jitfaghlna xi paragrafu dwar il-loki tal-wine bar (ovvjament wara il-mistoqsijiet ose tipo “Whose erect willy would you decorate with whipped cream? Joe Saliba’s or Paul Borg Olivier’s? Ajma x’textix).
Ghadni mhux konvint fuq il-Malta Pamph. Xorta nghid li l-istil jixbah ta Mario Vella li – ejja nghiduha kif inhi _ mhux li jikteb fi stil mexxej u govanili – ma nafx x’jaghmel biex jibghat sms – probabilment ghandu mobajl modifikat biex juri xi elf kelma ta erba sillabi kull wahda fuq l-iskrin. Zgur li meta jara xi mara imgissma flok jghid “Hawn Sex” igedwed xi haga intelletwalli …..u ovvjament iktar erotiku…
Rigward it-Tink Tenk….dawn minghalihom li twelidna ilbierah….mhux ovvja li dawn huma coffee mornings b’dehra ohra… misshom ghamlu biex ikunu veru progressivi hu li jahtru lil Gerad James Borg bhala Chairperson jew President…..xejn xejn jaghtihom feedback u IDEAT godda dwar il-lokijiet ta Malta
@ Jacques – Niskuza ruhi ghal-mod rozz u xejn fin li bih nesprimi ruhi…..imma nies li jiktbu elf kelma fuq loki ma jistoqqilomx ahjar

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