Apologies for our extended unannounced absence. Allow me to allay your fears – it takes more than a joke about the alternative names my mother had for me to upset me. Much more in fact. Unfortunately on our drive down from Kent (approximately as we approached Lille) my girlfriend got some very sad news from Malta. A very close friend of hers had passed away in tragic circumstances. I did not know this person at all and because of that I do not believe it’s right for me to talk about him. I have never been good with words at times like this, and I wonder who really is.
I allow myself one reflection – it’s a cold and cruel world out there and we should be thankful for the people who are close to us because whether we like to admit it or not it is thanks to them too that we choose to go on when the masks are down and the social niceties become extremely transparent.
Just as you think that things are streaming along quite nicely and while you are still allowing for the joy of the long weekend to seep in, life slaps you in the face with a cruel reminder of its finality. It’s been a tough couple of days and I am sure the heavy feeling of sadness will not go just yet. I don’t think I need to apologise if crucifixes on walls or rude newspapers on campus seemed like matters too trivial to contemplate through blogging.
We’re back (or at least we hope so) and will probably kick off properly this afternoon. Probably though, because I might still prefer a walk in the park after work.
Carpe diem.