It’s a simpler j’accuse but it’s getting loads of new features that are intended to allow you to integrate your blog experience with on-the-go networking. For starters, just as j’accuse was the first malta blog to have an iPhone interface we could not let that bit drop could we? We’ve added some new stuff. There’s a highlighter (kitschy and ugly) hanging on the right of this page. You can highlight text (roohit) and tweet it immediately onto twitter. It even does a thingy for you.
I’m currently trying to get some more twitter plugins as well as more interactive stuff for comments and forums. Feedback would be appreciated.
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12 replies on “J'accuse for Web 2.0”
Welcome back.
Er, would it be asking too much if you were to give us an account of what the hell happened?
explanation (or description) coming soon. cheers.
I have two priorities in my life. The second one is visiting this blog.
My first priority is buying The Malta Independent on Sunday.
no web address
trial test
Talbuni nħalli kumment.
Grazzi lit-testers kollha. Notification seems to be in full working order. (and that solves another hitch)
Hi Jacques
I linked you to my very newby blog with… that okay?
Hi Claire. Still battling with modernity I see. What is your blog address? And no… it’s not ok :) would be ok-ish but why not use the