Mediawatch Politics

Brown's Viral Blunder

In the time it takes to consume a heavy, unhealthy lunch at the canteen (should I say restaurant) at the ECJ we get sufficient proof of the value of Web 2.0 in internet elections. Gordon Brown was caught off guard this morning after an exchange with a Labour voter.

Having shielded her questions for what might have seemed an eternity (and after having discovered that she was after all on his side) Brown quit the scene but failed to notice that he was still being recorded. It was at this moment that his description of the voter as a “bigoted woman” was heard. The MSM might have hooked on to it and online newspapers are already carrying the news but not before it has already reached viral proportions on the net.

Twitter (#bigotgate), facebook and more… it’s really gone viral. Poor Gordon.

The Reactions

Gordon Brown Apologises on Sky One Hour Ago

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2 replies on “Brown's Viral Blunder”

So what would he call a person who would sit over a coffee discussing his withdrawal from leadership contest for a future stint at the wheel of government…and when, at the ‘agreed (ish)’ time, the guy at the other end refuses to let go of the wheel, said person would drive as many holes as he can in government until he finally gets his hand on the wheel of a riddled government… I do not like careerists in politics at all…hope he gets beat at the polls (albeit by another careerist I presue).

Simply a further example of the PC-mania that plagues politics these days.

Far be it from me to defend Gordon Brown (he deserves to lose the election IMO), but this blog post fails to put Brown’s “bigoted woman” comment into context.

The woman’s words:

“You can’t say anything about the immigrants because you’re saying you’re – but all these eastern Europeans coming in, where are they flocking from?”

Disregarding the fact that the woman seemed to have answered her own question (Eastern Europeans probably ‘flock’ from, err..eastern Europe)….if it walks like a duck, talks like a duck and acts like a duck…

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