
Extracts for Change

This Sunday’s Observer editorial is all about endorsing Nick Clegg as the candidate of change. There’s some interesting extracts that discuss subjects relevant to our local (Maltese) realities too:

First there’s that echo of the argument of the “wasted vote”. Clegg’s rise in popularity has prompted a harsher approach by the Labservative front against the potential LibDem voter. We are familiar with the attack of “irresponsible”, “toying with vote” and other similar slurs thrown at anybody considering a vote outside the PLPN fold. When you are in the thick of it and the onus of the vote is immediate it is probably a bit more difficult to notice how false in democratic terms that kind of accusation is.

For what is voter emancipation all about if not for the right to choose the party that best reflects his or her options. When Labservative or PLPN candidates or pundits arrogantly attack the voter as “irresponsible” they are only demonstrating a lack of respect to the very voters’ principles:

The Conservatives have spent much energy campaigning against that outcome. They have publicised their irritation that voters could deprive David Cameron of a majority much better than they have explained why he deserves one in the first place. Mr Cameron warns portentously that a coalition might lead to instability, economic jeopardy and “more of the old politics”. Perversely, he also rejects the need to change the current voting system, which has, he says, the merit of delivering clear results. Except this time it might not. What then? Mr Cameron’s view is that the system would work fine, if only everyone voted Conservative. This is sophistry draped in hypocrisy. He backs first past the post, while agitating against one of the outcomes that is hard-wired into it. He is campaigning against the voters instead of pitching for their support. He defines change in politics as the old system preserved – but run by the Tories.

That is the crux actually. The establishment politician is so ingrained in the system that he does not notice the arrogant folly of his own assertions. The “insult” to voters considering a third way is probably not seen as such from their point of view. To te PLPN/Labservative person dishing out advice it is more of an “eye-opener” – they are blissfully ignorant of how hopelessly perverse their assertion is.

Then there is the argument that the third parties have led an easy life and would not be so attractive an option when in government:

The Lib Dems have in recent years developed a habit of getting things right. They were first of the big three to embrace environmentalism, first to kick back against the assault on civil liberties, alone in opposing the Iraq war. The conventional riposte to those boasts is that the Lib Dems were free to take idealistic positions because they knew they would never be tested in government. Thus is political courage denigrated as a luxury of eternal opposition.

Which leads us to the Observer’s final declaration of bias (it’s normal, it’s done and it’s nice to see when it is openly declared):

There is a moral imperative to consider in this election, distinct from the old Labour-Tory contest. Opinion polls throughout the campaign suggest that the country wants the Lib Dems to take a place of equal standing alongside the other main parties. A grossly unfair voting system has historically deprived them of that right. It is vital this time that they win a mandate for real change expressed in the overall share of the vote, not just in the discredited distribution of seats in parliament. There is only one party on the ballot paper that, by its record in the old parliament, its manifesto for the new one and its leader’s performance in the campaign, can claim to represent an agenda for radical, positive change in politics. That party is the Liberal Democrats. There is only one way clearly to endorse that message and that is to vote Liberal Democrat.

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14 replies on “Extracts for Change”

Cheers for the mention in today’s Indy. Coincidentally I also gave j’accuse a longish mention in today’s MT. But you’ll have to wait till Tuesday or Wednesday to read it on-line…

Remember this:

(which had first appeared as a guest post in j’accuse)

Now that this whole issue has entered the Maltese public consciousness big time via Clegg (ah, those old colonial masters, we still look at them as our main beacon of civilization!), one waits in anticipation for the way the usual suspects are going to frame the question in a local context. My bet?

Usual suspects: You can’t compare AD with the Lib-Dems. They’re much much much smaller.
Answer: Eh oui, bien sur monsieur!

You better. Or I will confute you with a tirade of intellectual nonsense.

and I’ll respond with a bar full of Bulgarian ‘tarts’ with…wait for it…bare legs! he he

What makes you think they are “tarts”, other than the fact that they have been so tagged by you-know-who; hardly notorious for excessive restraint and precision?

Careful guys. It could get confusing – bare-faced cheek, bare-legged tarts and (sorry but the bad joke was there for the taking) – bare naked animals.


Hence the inverted commas. That was my reaction too. Two good looking girls in a bar become ‘tarts’ if it suits the agenda. Amazing but true. And I’m still amazed at how women undermine eachother like this on a regular basis.

Mhux ezattament relatat ma dan il-post, imma ilbierah DF rega tana artiklu fejn bhas-soltu jeqred fuq kemm dan hu blogg emarginat u kif jinjurawh Daphne, u jinjorah Loo, bla bla bla….anzi ma dahalx il-Knisja fin-nofs u jfakkarna fi zmien l-Inkwizizjoni….

He he, point taken fuq ir-ritratt.

Imma ghandi dilemma. Nilbislu nuccali tax-xemx jew inzomm in-nuccali bejn snieni?

Inti taf li jekk titfa’ il-kelma “bejn” tkun qed tistedinha hux… ipprova burka b’solidarjeta’ mal-qarrejja.

Ija naf, kont konxju hafna meta ktibtha imma kelli niehu r-riskju ghax m’hemmx mod iehor kif tghidha! Bejn, fi, go: kollha kemm huma donnhom jisparkjaw xi haga awtomatika f’certi nies. Waqt li qeghdin fiz-zifna, hemm xi haga intimament pornografika-sadista fil-glieda bejn it-TYOM u The Runs. Sahansitra ghandek l-element ta’ ittantar, fis-sens li jinbxu lil xulxin.

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