Mediawatch Politics

Constitutional Nonsense

A Monday morning email from the PL Communications Office lands straight in my work outlook. How did they get my email address? Yes, there is a Whoiswho directory for EU fonctionnaires but somehow I don’t recall granting permission to the Malta Labour Party to make use of my date for its propaganda – or any other political party for that matter. No worries, I shall flag their spamming address with the IT people this side of the great firewall.

Meanwhile back at Dar it-Trasparenza the charade continues. Malta‘s Labour Party wants you to believe that the reason democracy has been undermined is because a member of parliament was allowed to rectify his vote. There is no way in hell that this tantrum will go down well with the intelligent voters. Erskine May or no Erskine May the constitutional understanding behind a members’ vote is related to the expression of his intention. If his expression was hindered in any way as to cause error then surely Joseph would know that his intention counts more important than his tired slip.

The charade is hopeless. It borrows on heavy words “undermining of democracy” because it is desperate for a marketing, PR ploy that can be sold without too much logic and reasoning. PL believes that there is a weaker democracy so what will it do? It resigns from the “kummitat” (double-m for J) for the strengthening of democracy. Labour is strong on the cliché adjectives … “assolutament, bl-iktar mod possibbli…” then comes the pause… because when you try to reach a climax with a bubble you risk it bursting in your face (see video at 53 seconds).

Mario Galea would never have voted in favour of Labour’s motion. Joseph can cry till his tear ducts are dry. The Labour benches may swell with yells that will serve as an easy reminder of thuggery in parliaments past but this is no constitutional crisis. It is a charade.

Tonio Borg‘s “solution” to the Mario Galea gaffe is just as despicably pitiful. It is not exactly an “attakk oxxen/fahxi” that Labour would like it to sound like but you can understand why Justyne Caruana is pretty miffed at being thrown into the business like Pilate in the creed and why she is suddenly being projected as Labour’s answer to Aun San Suu Kyi.

I would say that there is an undermining of a democratic principle. One that has been in the process of rapid deterioration for quite some time now. It is that of representation. For a moment you would say that the people are being unfairly and wrongly represented by a class of buffons hitherto unequalled. Then, after a moment of reflection, you correct yourself by remembering that it was “the people” who put them there in the first place.

Reap. Sow. Reap. Sow. Reap. Sow.

Mick Jagger notwithstanding sometimes you get just exactly what you wanted.

Video Section

first the stone wall:

then the Stones

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4 replies on “Constitutional Nonsense”

Some hurried personal notes on the nature of maltese democracy (which yes I consider to be deeply flawed)

1. government/state tentacles are all over voluntary and individual participation by citizens
2. utilitarian and secular principles mostly excluded from state values
3. the ‘large middle class’ has gradually become a tool in the hands of the state (that also assigns some space to an nplp culture)
4. The nature of the elite has therefore transcended party politics and is now ingrained in the state, therefore rendering elections quasi insignificant. Any LP mandate to govern is largely useless because LP’s access to the state is only permitted through the presence of its crony element within nplp.
5. The economy is linked to direct state influence (big time) Party political funding? that will be the day
6. Attitudes to knowledge and diffusion of information – my goodness, the least said the better – just look at the state of the media.
7. Now Parliament – l-ultima tappa covered by a Paper Mache attaparsi culture. Thursday breached even this. Once Borg started claiming Mr Galea’s vote was a mistake (how could he have known if it were a mistake or not), Galea’s vote was hijacked. That is why the first vote must count. as i see it Naked State Manouvering has now reached even parliament.

Thursday events suggest that the decay of democracy (long live mediocrity) has now the capacity to do away even with the attaparsi culture. It is easy to ridicule the single moment as being done by so many, if one ignores the context and momentum.

Attitudes to … diffusion of information (pt2)

Step 1. The cabinet will on Monday be discussing a law to be moved in Parliament next week authorising the Maltese government to lend Greece €27 million at commercial rates, Prime Minister Lawrence Gonzi said.

A few days later

Step 2 Malta will guarantee €350 million … These guarantees, Mr Fenech said, were separate from the €74 million which Malta would lend Greece

But nothing to worry about guys

Finance Minister Tonio Fenech stressed …that these were only guarantees,

Mr Fenech said that Malta would ultimately profit from this lending

Any experts to comment on the ‘only guarantees’ and ‘Malta would ultimately profit’ lark as repeated as fact by the pbs?

Prosit! You manage to express my opinions better than myself.

We are in the sorry state of feeling that this government is tired and the country needs something fresh. But… look at the alternative. Sigh!!!

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