Arts Travel


You’d have thought (like Chris) that J’accuse would be gearing up for the orgy of football over the coming month. We are. There is however something else that is distracting us from the main world event. We are off to NY city baby! Departure is 6am tomorrow Lux time and for the duration of our stay in the city that never speaks blogging will be rather sporadic. We will fly the Brasilian flag in any case and will try to keep in touch over twitter (jacqueszammit).

Be good. And be nice to each other.

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8 replies on “Hiatus”

Hu gost Jacques. Fil-frattemp ftit ahbarijiet minn Facebook…le mhux fuq il-films tal-laham li jrid inehhilna it-Tabib Vassallo, imma fuq opposizjoni ghal-progett tal-White Rocks…..nsibu lil Rene Rossignaud, li gieli ha ritratti ghal Bondi u li kien kunsillier tal-Alternattiva sakemm induna li setghu jiehdu xi vot lil PN. Issa Rene taghna qed jinharaq ghax qal li ha jnehhulu il-BMX track u jahasra ma jkollux fejn imur bir-rota. Wieghed li ha jkun hemm “big trouble” hej…..araw il-kummenti hawn taht (li nehha minnufih minn fuq Facebook) fejn kwazi jinfaqa jibki ghax il-Prim ha jehodlu it-track…..Jisfida l-Prim hej “Bring it on Gonzi”…maaaa x’biza…..issa qed idejqek Rene?

>Rene Rossignaud super pissed at government plans to remove us from the BMX track…..
>Top of Form
>8 hours ago · Comment ·LikeUnlike · View Feedback (9)Hide Feedback (9)
>Kirsten Ann Darmanin likes this.
>Edward Demicoli
>rene… there will be a better track in the new project…
>8 hours ago
>Nigel Dougall
>where will the new track be? and will jonny still be in charge?
>8 hours ago
>Omar Xuereb
>5 hours ago
>Adrian Schembri
>hazin hafrna guysss
>3 hours ago
>Simon Marcham
>bunch of basterds …..
>about an hour ago
>Rene Rossignaud
>No Ed, it will be a private owned track aqnd not run by us…. and its just a track, what about the half pipe, street park, dirt hils,,,,,etc…etc…etc which took 30 years to build????? over our dead body, if they even try to move us, I promis big problems for anyone who even comes close….. pn or mlp….
>about an hour ago
>Rene Rossignaud
>Omar, car track is also bye bye….. did they consult with you??? cuz they forgot to consult with us too…… altough we have a letter only a few month old from the PM himself who promissed us a new Indoor park!!, is this it???? bullshit…. bring it on gonzi….lets see who is going down next
>about an hour ago
>Adrian Schembri
>xejn sewww gonzi loooooool

Hemm iktar hej….Rene Rossignaud jghid li mhux ha jnehhuhom minn hemm minghajr ma jkun hemm it-tixrid ta demm…..u jidhol l-Avukat Borg Cardona jiprova jikkalmah…..Issa lil dan ha jtellghuh il-qorti talli qed jghid lin-nies li ha jkun hemm il-vjolenza…jew xi nies ntuhom cans??? Araw x’qalu dawn:

Rene Rossignaud no no no…. THE bmx track will not be moving cuz some rich=
english wanker has the money to buy the government out!!!!2 hours ago =B7 =
View Feedback (13)Hide Feedback (13)4 people like this.
James Aquilina u sure???

2 hours agoAndrew Borg-Cardona Guys, =80200million is not money, it’s serio=
us stuff, so don’t be silly and play your cards right.
2 hours agoJames Aquilina and who do you think is going to get the money?
or some stinking minister???
about an hour agoRamon Cassar Can some explain more on detail who what and =
about an hour agoRene Rossignaud If they want, we are willing to negotiate,=
but they will not remove us with any blood being spilt
59 minutes agoRene Rossignaud Ramon, gov has been 3 years telling us that t=
hey r going to build a new indor bmx arena for us, until only a few weeks a=
go they still confirmed this, now not only they have built an illegal stree=
t park in the middle of the road, but they r going to remove us from the la=
nd which we worked, bulit and sept thousands over the past 30 years…. so =
they …
See More
can built this huge complex, in exchange they will build an other bmx track=
which we as an association will have no right too, and it will be run by a=

Jkompli jipprotesta Rene did-darba fuq it-Times:
Rene Rossignaud(6 hours, 46 minutes ago)
SHAME..and if I could use other words I would, what a bunch
of liars .Not sure if any of
you have realized this project is designed to be right on top of our
BWX track. The gov has
promised us a new modern Indoor track in the last election, we have been
to several meetings in 2 years, and we
where told things are moving.!! Once again, not only we have not
been consulted, but this project will remove
us from our land!, a piece of land where lives where made.

Oh Yes, there will be a BMX track in the project right?,and us, the
BMX association will have to pay rent to use
it?, are you mad?.YOU

John Zammit the founder of BMX in Malta has been once again put aside, as
no one cares of all the hard work this man has
done in the name of keeping kids away from drugs and off the streets.
Malta has an international half pipe and
international standard skate park!!, what will happen with this?? Or do
you want us to move in your ILLEGAL skate park
in the middle of a round about??.

Hemm hu s-Sully! Jistenna sakemm l-editur ta’ blogg unmoderated imur vaganza ha jibda jispammja b’imbarazztu!

Mank temmen hux Faust. The cat is away u the mice spam away. Pero jahasra ghandu naqra ragun Sully, Dan René ukoll. Ma tantx dam jinkwieta ghall-voti tal-PN. Kien utli u kif waqt l-elezzjoni meta Defni u bella kumpanija attakaw dawk bhali li qalu li kien rizultat ta’ fear and loathing li Rossignaud irrizenja minn mal-AD. Issa alla jbierek li l-PN mhux jigbdu ghal djul ghajnu iwieghed id-demm ut-tghezziz ta’ snien. Sabih ukoll.

Iva new york sabiha. Mifqugh jet lag (?) suppost ghal gismi s-saghtejn ta filghodu imma skond l-arlogg lokali EST ghadhom it-8. Genn man. Pero l-ewwel ikla nizlet bellezza. Sukiyaki, edamame u ross bil-plum wine gewwa l-istabbiliment Sapporo. Heavenly.

Eh! Ghedt jien illi x’imkien hemm xi “Daphne connection” u mhux ghax hemm interess qawwi fil-BMXs!


Still loving it in ny. Apologies for long break. Bad wifi in hotel. Will be back next week. J from apple’s temple on 5th ave.

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