
Kalkara '94

Picked off youtube (seen on facebook … so it must be getting viral). From the little I get it seems to be a very public bust up on a public Maltese bus. Again, if I understood part of the argument well it was all triggered off by an accusation of “pogguta ” “ghandha t-tifla pogguta” but I cannot really be sure. What is impressive is the attitude of all those not involved in the argument – passive observers with grins. I could not believe my eyes when I noticed that the bus is actually moving and picking up more customers as though a haranguing match between two commuters is the most normal thing under the sun. Baffling and mind-boggling. The title of this post is simply the number of the video (not a year) plus the name of the presumed destination (Kalkara) – again from the conversation. The battle is between two alpha females while the very omega male sits back in submission on the side. This too is Malta today. Xarabank… oh eeeh oh!

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