Jasmine Politics

Speaking of Heroes

BBC news is reporting that Malta may be objecting to an EU decision to extend sanctions on Libya. As fighting in rebel held territories worsens with heavier attacks by Gaddafi’s forces Malta seems to be shuffling its feet when it notices that the sanctions might hurt its own pocket:

A European Union decision on whether to extend sanctions on Libya is being delayed by objections from Malta. BBC Europe business correspondent Nigel Cassidy understands that Malta fears further sanctions could damage some of its companies. Diplomats from the 27-nation EU bloc are discussing a freeze on dealings with the Libyan Investment Authority. – BBC news

While the local minded connoisseurs of international intrigue might be busy racking their brains trying to link Gaddafi to the Labour party (of course the safety of Libya’s insurgents depends on Labour’s kitty) our representatives in Brussels are hedging on the possibility of some effective action. J’accuse already warned that the façade of our “hero brigade” might melt away faster than butter in the August sun.

What use is it, really, that we tut-tut about financial comptrollers shifting Gaddafi’s money from beach to island when our own government is unable to get in line and squeeze the bastard’s finances dry?

Business I hear you say? It’s not just John Dalli who has those interests is it?

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9 replies on “Speaking of Heroes”

Malta’s reserves have been lifted and the sanctions will be extended.

[J’accuse note: The funny thing is that the BBC article was last updated at 16:54 GMT and still shows that Malta is objecting to sanctions. The Times article you linked was apparently uploaded at 14:22 CET.]

Mela ha nara jekk fhimt seww:
1) Ezempju Numru wiehed. Joe Sammut (laburist mhux il-membru parlamentari) li hu xi tip ta financier u jghaddi il-flus ta Gaddafi lil xi kantant jew kantanta. Dan HAZIN HAFNA. Ghaliex? Forsi ghax Laburist, jew ghax Laburist ferhan ghax kien fl-istess sala f’festin fejn kien hemm Valeria Marini, jew ghax f’xi mod qed jghin lil Gaddafi.
2) Ezempju Numru Tnejn. Il-kumpaniji l-ohra li fihom ghandhom l-ishma il-gvern Libyan. Dawn TAJBIN. Ghaliex? Ghax forsi jaghtu x-xoghol lil skoss nies? Inkluzi dawn il-hafna rivisti li johorgu b’xejn mal-gazzetti u jkollhom hafna riklami ghal Palm City? Imma allura ma dak il-ferhan ta Joe Sammut ha naqbdu?

No Jacques, it’s not just John Dalli who has business interests in Libya but very few of those who have went as far as to imply that the protests were a staged media event or that Ghaddafi may stay on like it were business as usual.

I have no quarrel with that FM. What I do find ridiculous is the fixation on the “Smokin’ Joe” side of involvement while no word is said of the other interests.

Besides… call me a communist/treehugger or whatever but in this business it is not Maltese money but Maltese businessmen’s money that is in danger (see The Libyan Opportunity series of posts). Somehow I have a feeling that the man in the street and the potential employee/investor has a much better future without Gaddafi – and therefore with stricter sanctions.

It’s the old guard who fed off Gaddafi’s sick breasts that are shuffling their feet. From Dalli to Sammut to those who stood to profit from their exclusive channels of business with the outgoing Libyan dictator.

I would never call myself commie treehugger either but I especially resent the way those high-risk investments will turn out to be one of those “individual profits, collective losses”.

But when it comes to reactions to what’s going on please do not put John Dalli and the rest in the same basket because Dalli alone went beyond being concerned about his business interests.

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