Smile (More)
Well. We’re here. And that’s a good thing. Being here is rock. Having a blog purged from malicious hacks is rock (and roll). Having friends who spend a whole night with you trying to figure out what the fuck went wrong is rock (and roll encore). Not being Gaddhafi is rock. Not being in a New York metro when Irene hits Manhattan is rock. Not being a Somali kid in the Al Shabbab controlled region is rock. Being on the Dukan diet to lose weight for the wedding is slow. Still being able to consume 12 chicken wings is rock-ish. Chicken for the fourth successive day is slow.
That’s a bit of Celentano style blogging for you. We’re back in action after the horrendous ordeal of almost losing everything – including’s cred with google (that’s Chrome & Firefox treating you like a minor unit of Al Qaeda). Although J’accuse is back, I’m afraid that most thumbnails for archived posts have been losts so you will not find much by illustration if you go further back than eight posts from this one.
While we were de-hacking Gaddhafi’s grasp on Libya and the people of Libya was loosened further. Our politicians have suddenly decided to finally back the new government to the hilt and today’s news that the government will strip Gaddhafi of his medals and honorary mentions (backed by the opposition) has been seen by all and sundry as too little too late. We were particularly amused at how some ardent defenders of the nationalist cause who were calling us immature and stupid a while back have suddenly woken up and smelt the coffee. Here’s the Runs waking up to reality a couple of years later:
When I listened to that tremendous speech which Eddie Fenech Adami gave in parliament in December 1986 (…), I suddenly realised what has gone missing from the Nationalist Party: moral courage, and the ability to distinguish between what is right and just and what is merely convenient. (Jaqaw Qabduh fl-ahhar?)
No worries. I am sure we’ll be told that no matter how immoral, cowardly or unable to distinguish between right and convenient the Nationalists are, we’ll have to either vote Nationalist or swallow the bitter pill of being immature objects of hate again come next election.
J’accuse é rock, gli apologisti sono lenti. Molto lenti.