
If that plane takes off

If the information from “informed sources” is confirmed then two planes will take off from Luqa airport (at midnight and four a.m.) in order to return a number of the migrants who had reached our shores in desperation. It is really immaterial whether the obscene policy dubbed “push-back” is legal or illegal by whatever rule you choose to follow. True, there is a judgement of the European Court of Human Rights. True, by EU law the action is not only repugnant but illegal. All that should not count though, for first and foremost the deed that will be committed in the stealth of the night is really a measure of man – a measure of men on this island.

The moment the AirMalta flight’s wheels will lift off from the hallowed ground of this land of milk and honey will be the moment this country has reached if not its darkest hour then one of its darkest. Under the stealth of dark night the world’s ugliest hours have tolled  – from biblical massacres (the Passover, Herod’s cull of the innocents) to Shakespearean tragedy (Come, thick night, And pall thee in dunnest smoke of hell) to the sickly moments of Nazi Kristallnacht  – the history of humanity is replete with manifestations of the dark side of man. The cloaked darkness will not and should not suffice to hide the perpetrators of this latest inhuman act from shame. Yes, shame. Because the moment the first of those planes takes off is the moment we can definitely confirm that we have been divested of a large part of our humanity and dignity.

There is no darkness but ignorance, the poet tells us. It is the fruit of ignorance that is being borne on this very dark and heavy night in those planes of lead carrying the disillusioned dreams back to the darkness whence they came. It is the ignorant bleating of the masses that is being pleased, the ignorant braying of hundreds of mules that are being appeased by the leaders of none. It takes no courage to take a group of helpless men, women and children and place them on a vehicle of transport to be sent back to whatever sad or ill fate awaits them. It does not make you a non-pushover. It makes you a coward, a coward of the worst kind for whom no circle of damnation would suffice.

Is this push-back policy the fruit of misplaced oratory? Is it some misguided ploy to distract from the myriad errors being committed by a government that has proven to be a false hope? Worse still if it is. For I’d hate to bear the responsibility of playing with people’s lives simply as a diversionary tactic and distraction. Can our supposed leaders even for one moment believe that this kind of chest-pounding with the poor and the depraved win them any accolades other than among the very sheep and donkeys who have pushed them to this madness? Even if the herds amounted to 90% of the population this is the moment in which real leaders stand up to be counted. They stand up armed with values, with belief and with a strong vision of humanity that transcends the immediate and the material. They do not “explore all options” but bear the brunt of the difficulty and stand out as beacons that shame the neighbouring countries who refuse to budge in solidarity.

We’ll have none of that though. A pen pusher somewhere in Castille has set the wheels in motion. Our very own one-way trains of doom will take flight tonight. Their destination may not be Birkenau, Treblinka or Auschwitz but what’s in a name? On our heads will rest the responsibility of every life that could be lost.

If that plane takes off at midnight tonight we can definitely say that we will be taking one more step backward to mediocrity, spinelessness and relativism.

Tonight, before you tuck your children to sleep think of the souls that have been sent away into the darkness. There are some people who would have you believe that it is being done for your safety and for our nation’s glory.

Not in my name.



YOUR ATTENTION PLEASE. Government is reportedly about to send 102 Somali asylum seekers back to Libya, in what would effectively be a repeat of a policy enacted by Italy in 2010, and declared illegal by the European Court of Human rights in 2012.
The initiative would also be a direct violation of Protocol 4, Article 4 of the convention of human rights – to which Malta is signatory, and which very unambiguously prohibits mass deportation of foreigners.
Hailing from Somalia, all 102 of these asylum seekers are within their legal rights to seek asylum, and Malta is legally bound by various treaties to process their application. Yet government seems to be implying that it intends to disregard its own legal obligations in this sense, and the implications are that governmet considers itself above the law.
A protest has been planned for this evening (8pm) and will be attended by NGOs involved in asylum. The MHA is supporting this initiative, as it is very concerned by the latest developments on at least three counts:
1), the proposed action constitutes a clear violation of human rights, and as such runs counter to the single most relevant article of international law concernign human rights (which, as humanists, we feel duty-bound to uphold)
2) regardless of legality, the proposed plan is a direct affront to the basic dignity to which all humans are entitled, and exposes these people to very serious risk of violent reprisals (possibly including torture and execution) on their reptriation;
3) It is the MHA’s view that government’s approach to this phenomenon should not be piecemeal, and shoud instead concentrate on adopting a national immigration plan that goes beyond dealing with crises as they arise… in other words, the opposite of what it is doing in this case.

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15 replies on “If that plane takes off”

What do you expect? A tiny little rock to keep accepting hundreds upon hundreds of economic migrants and not being able to share the burden with the old colonial European countries? Stop living in that dream world of yours and face reality, the same reality we face here in Malta!

economic migrants hail from Spain, Italy, Greece and the like…are you suggesting we deport them too? Most Somali migrants are political refugees displaced by civil war.

Show some humanity!!

proset king! daw is suwed jigu malta, u jmorru fej imorru jahsbuhom xi alla… meta kont l mtv gie wiehed iswed sejjer ” i’m Malta, fuck you america” u ma flahtux jajd hekk! jashbuhom maltin… johdulna ix xol, jahdmu bla ktieb biex jibqaw jibilaw mil gvern u ahna inhalsu it taxxi biex intuwhom x jiklu u x jilbsu… jien minix razzist, andi hbieb americani suwed… Fil history dejjem almuna li malta bil ftit dejjem ghexet… ahna poplu ta mhabba u naqalaw qalbna u natugha lil dak li jkun u generuzi hafna imma issa it is too much!!! fi zmien missieri, kienu jibqaw iccassati meta jaraw iswed… issa kull fej thares naraw suwed… tmur li scan titwerwer fej albert town… kenniesa suwed aqqas jatu kas il karozzi.. kelli xi najd ma wiehed laqatli il karozza bli xkupa… daw jigu ala biebom ax ed ipappu min fuq il gvern!
jien favur li nibatuwhom! lilom u lil kull iswed! push back lil kull imigrant! umbad taraw kif jieqaf il qrid fuq it toroq… u ghax il hajja gholja!

Daniel: “jien minix razzist…jien favur li nibatuwhom! lilom u lil kull iswed!”

Iddeciedi please.

At the end of the day, the Maltese governments job is to protect Malta and its people, so lets cut all this crap. In an ideal world Malta would be the heroes of the world by taking in each and every poor person seeking asylum……….but we DO NOT live in an ideal world! We need to take a stand.

Air Malta’s employees, pilots and staff, should refuse to partake in such an inhuman act. Not in my name.

@ Fabien Sant Fournier – Economic migrants hailing from countries within the EU have the right to seek employment in our country. They are entering the country legally and actually give back to the economy by paying taxes, rent, groceries etc. unlike our so called migrants who get a nice paycheck every week and find work illegally on the black market. (pass by the marsa round about at around 7AM) …….Displaced by civil war? ohhh is it me or did entire cities rise up against the united nations and the united states when they were there to help them ? are we forgetting what happened in to the United Nations peacekeepers who were just there to help out and provide humanitarian support but ended up getting slaughtered by Somali nationals of all ages? Its time to wake up….. these people aren’t victims …..whilst acknowledging the fact that some of them do have a legitimate reason for fleeing we all have to agree most of them are economic migrants ….they are illegal immigrants and if they break a law you they should suffer the consequences just like the rest of us. NO EXCEPTIONS. Deport them.

Whilst you are right in saying that EU nationals have the right to live and work here, the argument put forth by many locals is that asylum seekers steal jobs and do not pay tax. As an employer in the hospitality industry I can reassure you that were it not for third country nationals such as sub Saharan Africans and eastern Europeans, our hotels and restaurants would come to a stand still. Maltese do not want to clean toilets and wash dishes. I would even go as far to say that they do not even want to wait tables. In my direct experience all they want to do is get a signature that they have attended a job interview and continue receiving their relief pay cheque. Whilst third country nationals slave away for minimum wage.

Your point about whether they are bona fide refugees caught in the middle of a crossfire is exactly the issue at hand. This government’s actions has denied them of their human right to establish their status. They should have been granted this right, and if found not to be legitimate refugees, then yes, by all means send them back.


In 2004 Malta became a member state of the EU. In the eyes of the dominant European countries the Maltese automatically became their second class citizens.
Today in 2013, no thanks to Dr. Simon Busuttil and his clan, we are also slowly becoming second class citizens on our own home soil due of his twisted political mentality and his repulsive servitude towards Brussels.
Malta for the Maltese. Anyone is welcome to visit us with a valid passport and / or viza.

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