Good Night & Good Luck 2021
This year has been a quiet year on this blog. Most of my writing has taken place elsewhere, mostly on the j’accuse column over at the Shift News. It’s not just COVID19 that is to blame for the year with least posts on but also the wonderful arrival of Maddalena Victoria into our lives that required a slight readjustment of routines in the Zammit-Sartori household.
Politically speaking 2020 has been a weird year that unfolded under the sign of this cataclysmic change of social habits. Many questions were asked of those who purport to govern our nations leading to a sudden realisation as to why the people elect wardens of the state. What I mean is that once the ‘business as usual’ of corrupt and economy-driven politics of the 21st century was eclipsed by an urgent need to manage the general common wealth for all citizens, our politicians were found lacking.
As we ask questions of our political class we also realise the widening of a dangerous knowledge gap in our society. A society that has been supposedly empowered with new tools for the discovery and understanding of knowledge has strangely retreated to a mass mentality that seems to precede the advent of science and reason.
The program of government struggled to balance the new priorities and challenges of the modern age. Health and the environment were suddenly catapulted to the forefront of our concerns with varying degrees of acceptance. Change with a big C was on its way, provoked by the unavoidable adaptation to new work and life conditions. Sadly, although the whole of the human race was under threat, the walls and differences created by centuries of history proved to be resistant and still lead to a disparate, egoistic replies to common problems.
Closer to home, the status quo has barely shifted. The Gattopardian adage still applies strongly as a wave of artificial change and reform is used to mask the fact that at the core we remain the same. One of the fathers of Malta’s constitution passed away this month while we are very far from taking up the much needed drastic reform from the roots that might save the nation from the backsliding that it has witnessed in the past decade.
There is as little faith in our wardens of the state as there is hope for change. Yet we must struggle on calling out the system for what it is. It is our duty as citizens and or duty towards our sons and daughters.
As the sun sets for one last time in 2020 I would like to thank all those who have read and followed J’accuse throughout the year. 2021 will be a tough year of recovery and adaptation, I look forward to sharing these experiences with readers and followers of J’accuse… the truth, if I lie.
One last thing. My thoughts go out to Darrin Zammit Lupi and his daughter Becs. Over this holiday period I have clung hopefully to every Facebook entry that Darrin posts. I can only pray and hope that Darren and his family find the courage to get through this ordeal and that the wonderful Becky gets back to dancing, creating and enjoying life as soon as possible.
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