
Kullhadd Gallarija

Yesterday’s whirlwind of meetings has begun to take its toll. It’s either that or the travails of a five-a-side match (4 goals) and a loaded kosksu (2 gbejnas and one egg). In any case it’s been a hectic 36 hours. This time round it has also been a series of meetings with blog related contacts and exchanging of a series of new ideas. I am thrilled to see all the vibrant possibilites that do not always transpire through the fabric of the virtual. There was also time to conduct my first ThinkAbout It interview and begin to delve in the world of “poverty” in Malta but more about that in a dedicated blog.

One thing impresses me. It might be my blogging connections, my role as an opinion columnist or just a repetition of what is happening to everyone else but the black hole vortex that is the subject of The Runs vs the Dispensers of Familiar Medicine seems to suck away at any reasonable conversation and people seem to be interested on exchanging “takes” on the matter. We had been warning for what seem like aeons that the mingling of politics with the world of slander and mud can only result in the mediocre (but curiously sensational trouble). Predictably the TYOM site attracted the same (same same but different) number of adulators as the Runs had managed to once it embarked on the road of cheap marketing. If some battle for democratic rights and representation and cleansing for institutional malaise had existed beneath the mud slinging and colourful expositions it is now buried even deeper as the salvos continue to be exchanged. I wonder what Joe Borg and Lou Bondi would make of it now (yes, it’s a rhetorical question loaded with irony and sarcasm).

In any case, it has been “educational” to see that there is life beyond this vortex (if you really make an effort) and that not all is lost for the new media. It will take just a little effort from J’accuse and the right friends to set about getting the record straight. Look out for more news on these pages. Meanwhile I retire to rest my weary head before what threatens to be a night of voluminous consumption at Marleys.

check out:

  • Cafe Cuba’s splendid Ceasar Salad (with chicken) and crunchy tuna ftira (@the point)
  • the divine menu at La Mere in Valletta – india meets arabia meets malta


ms anna abela writing in the insiter for the words of praise she had for this blog and its author. we are honoured and flattered (and it does not good to our already supersized ego). a letter to the insiter is due to answer the conundrum she poses – should I stay or should I go?

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7 replies on “Kullhadd Gallarija”

… the black hole vortex that is the subject of The Runs vs the Dispensers of Familiar Medicine seems to suck away at any reasonable conversation and people seem to be interested on exchanging “takes” on the matter.

In case you hadn’t noticed you were swirling in that vortex too.

Kienet ilha gejja din… jkun hemm reazzjoni ghal blog ta Daphne. Kif ghidt int …l-istess haga imma differenti. X’kienet tipretendi? Li kulhadd ha jibqa cicci beqqi idejh fuq zaqqu waqt li tghajjar in-nies bil-qrejjen u d-drogi li bellghu u ma jghiduluha xejn? Li ziffen fin-nofs nies li qatt ma ikkumentaw jew kitbu fuqha u tghid li hargu tqal u li huma bisesswali (meta mhu veru xejn) u li jghidulha prosit? Li taghmel insinwazzjonijiet fuq min qatel lil Raymond Caruana, u li ma tohrogx ta mara li trid ixerred ix-xnighat? U tiftakru kemm kienet ghajret lil Giannella Caruana Curran li hi iffisatha fil-Papa? Ha nghidlek, jekk hemm xi hadd ossessjonat bil-papa hija Daphne….u ma tarawix ridikola li mara ta 45 sena ghandha bzonn lil missierha jidefendiha? U issa qam il-papa taghha jghid kemm huma moqzieza l-allegazzjonijeit u l-attakki personali? Fejn kien meta kienet qed titghajjar Daphne? Izebbeg ir-ruzarju? Insomma….spiccajna ottu…

DCG has been so busy on her blog that she didnt find time to write new stuff for TOWN magazine. Two articles have already been published before in her other magazines.

as sully points out, it was bound to happen. The gossip blog wars are here.
I find TYOM VERY childish and puerile,and I definitely do not condone their nasty attacks on her family… (I preferred that much wittier blog daphne4dummies which seems to have disappeared) what has surprised me is how seriously dcg is taking it..she has dedicated no less than ten blog posts to them, correcting their “mistakes” about who’;s who in her family and so on…while she is mocking the ppl behind it mercilessly you can tell that they have got under her skin. Suffice to say that they are setting the agenda of her blog!

my conclusion is that an amateur silly little blog which is using a tit-for-tat tactic with its personal insults, insinuations, half truths etc. is “getting” to her much more than a perhaps more intelligent debate on the issues she brings up would..(for example she studiously ignores all the very reasonable arguments which j’accuse brings up about the role of the media, judicial ethics, etc)
am I the only one who finds that very curious..?

TYOM is indeed childish and puerile yet, unfortunately, it is very effective in the gossip department being the pure undulated gossip of the innuendo type that ‘sells’.

Like the runs it satisfies emotion rather than logic.

A common complaint when the runs launched its latest campaign was the way people like Bondi and the Father used the runs to amplify innuendo that impacted on such a sensitive issue as the Judiciary.

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