

Yesterday’s program available on the new jaccuse youtube channel – jaccuse tube. Get ready to dissect the dissett.

We watched the streamed program and we have now got it on our very own channel: jaccusetube. Of course we have much to say, rebut and agree with given that our presence on Reno Bugeja’s program was recorded and not live. We will first give readers enough time to watch the program in its entirety (below) and then we will open the floor to a continuing discussion.

We are biased in our appreciation of the program (I was after all in it) but we did find that it captured  more than one “still” of how blogging is viewed in Malta. There are many subtopics we would like to open for discussion – regulation, generation gap in appreciation of the tools, and more. We would like to thank Reno Bugeja for the faithful rendering of the clips from the interview. Yes, it was edited but at no point was any part of the interview taken out of context.

More appreciations and analysis and dissections later. For now here are the clips from Youtube.

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31 replies on “Dissect”

Jiddispjacini imma jekk tqabbel il-blogg ma’ tazza u l-kontenut mal-ilma ta’ go fiha, dal-programm tkellem fuq l-ilma biss jekk hux mahmug jew nadif. It-tazza innifisha bil-kemm giet diskussa. Ma sar ebda riferiment, per ezempju, fuq l-‘istruttura’ ta’ wara l-media tradizzjonali u l-motivazzjoni finanzjarja u l-ownership warajha. U wara kif din hija differenti fid-dinja tal-bloggs. Jekk fil-media tradizzjoni hemm certa interessi politici u kummercjali (nies impjegati, riklami u flejjes), fil-bloggs ghandek biss persuna u internet account. Din m’ghandix x’taqsam ma’ kif jaf jintuza hazin il-blogg, imma huwa fattur intrinsiku ta’ blogg. Insomma hemm hafna affarijiet li nista’ nsemmi li ma qbiltx maghhom, specjalment ma’ li qalu l-‘esperti’, imma m’ghandix wisq hin x’nahli fuq esperti li qatt ma fethu account mal-wordpress.

I second Arcibald.

The programme was a dud except (sigh, this will serve to inflate your ego) when you showed up. Otherwise, it was a discussion between the presenter and a man one suspects doesn’t know what blogs are except that they have something to do with the internet and another man one suspects his opinions of what shouldn’t be said on blogs have more to do with his disapproving of the content of DCG’s blog.

On a different note I keep being surprised at your belief on the growth of the Maltese blogosphere (as your belief that in the process it might get a bad name thanks to your bogey(wo)man of choice).

[…] Dissett fuq PBS kien dwar il-bloggs. Wara li ironikament rajt il-programm minn ġol-blogg ta’ Jacques Rene’ Zammit, ħallejtlu kumment li qed nirriproduċi hawn taħt għax m’għandix aptit nikteb xi ħaġa […]

Unfortunately, yet another disappointing discussion programme in which (apart from a couple of good points you made) one keep wondering: a) why are they calling these guys ‘experts’?, b) will anyone come up with something original? c) why are some people so damn afraid to call a spade a spade on TV? and d) For God’s sake, not another hackneyed cliche a la ‘two wrongs don’t make a right’, ‘mhux sew’ or ‘dan diskors allura?’!

And a final point. Running Commentary is popular/liked/hated because it clearly takes sides, it fights, it attacks and it plays the only real game that counts on the island in terms of numbers. And TasteYourOwnMedicine will be equally popular and followed for the same reason. In the long term, everything else (apart from The Church) is marginal, ignored, falls by the wayside or becomes a more-or-less personal bubble for a few enthusiasts.

That’s the sad truth and, in some ways, why I admire your perseverance.

Jacques will be joining the following clubs:

1. A billion maltese who find DF’s anger at ppl who won’t call a spade a spade ironic.

2. Anything that is not DF is marginal and ignored fanclub.

3. The not another condescending I admire your perseverance hackneyed phrase straight from the “I took one year off to not do anything tochange the world crowd”

and finally

4. I joined the closet fetish for daphne (phenomenologia and all) club.

You want a sad truth DF? I’d tell you but my keyboard lacks Cyrillic. Instead I ask you (again) what with all this fixation on “taking sides” how about you put your time and money where your mouth is?

DF ghax iffissat f’ Daphne u Taste your Own Medicine u l-Knisja? Mill-kumment ta Jacques qed nifhem li DF hu David Friggieri li kiteb dak l-artiklu fejn qed jixxarrab ghal Daphne?
U jekk DF hu David Friggieri jista jaghtina ftit nifs u ma jeqridx iktar fuq it-tirannija tal-Knisja hawn Malta u x’naf jien? Ghax hlief jeqred kif kullhadd qieghed taht il-madmad tal-Knisja ma jaghmilx….u jien hlief nies li jaghmlu x’izzik iridu u li jigu jitnejku ma narax? Ghandikun DF kien imgieghel ikun abbatin sa ma kellu ghoxrin sena? Gaghluh jahsel l-art tal-Kattidral ta San Gwann gharkubbteh sakemm salvatu Daphne, fejn nibtet din l-imhabba ghmja ghaliha? F’gieh kemm hemm, aqtagha DF ….dejjem l-istess kantaliena…. ghax iktar qed inhossni trawmatiizat u imdejjaq minn nies bla sinsla dejjem jeqirdu u qatt ma jaghmlu xejn u jgerruh ghan-nisa li jxerrdu il-mibeghda milli mill-Knisja

Easy does it guys.

A first comment on the dissett/blog/discussion:

From the outset, Dissett presented blogs as a alternative source of news.

As I see it, blogs are not a source of news at all (gossip is gossip no matter what you wrap gossip in), bloggers need news, blogs ‘comment’

What blogs can bring to our daily lives is a sharper edge to the ‘analysis of news’ process.

This process is providing this analysis with a broader base – smut at one far end (needs solid news less) and intense professional rigor at the other (needs reliable news).

The fact that smut ‘sells’ and rigor only attracts a selective audience should not deter those bloggers who prefer the rigor and selective audience.

I would think that the ultimate satisfaction is to be found at this end. The smut guys always find that their trade can not earn them professional respect, something they crave for, and like comedians, their private lives is very often an overreaction to the image people see. (Have you ever had a heart to heart with comedians as they try to prove to you (and especially themselves) that they are actually intellegent guys (which they are). They just need their real self to be loved.

I had quite a few such experiences with commedians. (note – I am not trying to be sarcastic here and no jibes or anything of the sort are intended).

I am confident that Jacquse, probably the ‘best’ maltese blog going, is not disappointed at the number of so-called hits because the ‘product’ is not a Ford F pick-up van but an aston martin.

History shows that when the cherry-pickers finally dismantle the ground they stand on, they will have to turn to the professionals to reconstruct society…remember the cult of baal?

Suave as usual Sully – and a bit too harsh in my books.

Before the discussion degenerates any further let me say that I intend to blog about this asawp (as soon as work permits). In the meantime two little points to ponder on:

1) Dissett was not about Blogs and Blogging but about DCG/TYOM and their impact (and how they brought blogs to everybodies attention). Biased I may be but I do not think we can go on expecting Reno, or anyone, to have done a blogumentary about blogging per se. It was not his aim and he stuck to his agenda/editorial line.

2)I have a feeling that the panel (not including myself) gave us geeks who follow the blog world (maybe too closely) a clear picture of two segments of society – the old guard conservative Bencini and the young, quasi-hip blog follower but with other priorities in life than just blogging (Alex). They could not ignore the main point on the agenda (DCG and not blogging) but at the same time inadvertently gave us a perspective of two educated people and how they look at blogs from that standpoint. I think that even in this matter Reno’s program was more of a success than many of you here would care to concede. The mirror of society can give us snapshots none of us really like – but it does not mean it is not important to look into it.

The problem is that a lot of people discovered what a “blog” is after dcg initiated her crusade against cons, which jacques has aptly dubbed Plategate.
And why is that? simple, gossip and scandal are crowd pullers, but level headed political discussion is not …
meanwhile, if you have been keeping an eye on RUnning commentary you will notice that the hits have plummeted again. Shall we bet it’s time for another juicy series of posts full of explicit details?

U mel’hekk mela, naqra reazzjonijiet jaharqu fuq il-bloggs ‘ragjonevoli’ ukoll! Naqra rabja u passjoni!


1) I would happily join Fausto’s group. Nice idea.
2) Il-karriera ta’ abbati tieghi damet bejn wiehed u iehor xi 3 gimghat fl-iskola Stella Maris College il-Gzira. Deher bic-car li ma tantx kelli talent ghal dak il-gopp. Kelli timing atroci ghat-tnewwwil ta’ sarvetti u x’naf jien.
3) Hasil tal-madum San Gwann. Ghogbitni din Sully! Fil-fatt, njet…imma ara kemm titghallem fuq Kavallieri u Monsinjuri kieku. Part time gopp kulturali u hands-on fl-istess hin.
4)Fetish ghal Daphne? Suleiman Sully u “Runs” Jacques qed jghiduha din? Wiehed jigi fil-blogg ta’ Jacques biex jghidilna x’qalet Daphne fuq il-blogg taghha u l-iehor darb’iva u darba le isemmiha fl-artikli (u sahansitra iddedika bicca sew mill-intervent fuq Dissett janalizza l-“motivazzjoni” li seta’ kellha etc etc…).
5) L-artiklu: hemm minn jara lil Daphne bhala “Is-Sahhara tal-Bidnija” u hemm minn jqisha speci ta’ Anna Politkovskaja Maltija. Is-soltu iswed u abjad insomma. Jien la naraha bhala sahhara u l-anqas bhala freedom fighter u ippruvajt nghid kif naraha. Fetish ghax tghid li taf tikteb u li ghodda tajba ghal certu tip ta’ politika filwaqt li tghid li tuza tattici trash u destroy?

@ DF – Ha nghidlek jekk dik mhux fetish, mela ossessjoni, jew infatwazzjoni qawwija…jekk m’inix sejjer zball ghidt li kient l-unika rock star jew icon ta Malta….ghal-ftit ma tfajtilnix poster mimli zlieg abjad mal-artiklu…isma minni ibni….dawn il-gibdiet perversi mhux li wiehed ixandarhom….

PS 2: Nitlobkom ma taqbdulix mal-izbalji fl-ortografija (ara fuq) biex turu kemm jien cuc in glorja! (a la Daffers)

Funny David. As I said and will say again, my intervention was on a program discussing DCG’s blog and its impact – I don’t see how that qualifies as “sahansitra” – unless you don’t get the point of the programme of course.

Nobody here ever denied the popularity of the Runs as well as the efficiency of scandalous reporting (what you call trash and destroy). What we also engage in is “cleaning up”. Yes, what “Charles Cauchi” interprets as our high horse is actually our perception of how blogs should be used to empower the citizen and break certain mindframes.

Fixated or not fixated on DCG is one thing. The spade business though – more like pots and kettles innit?

Mel’int tixxarrab ghal kull rock star li jezisti Sully? Sa fejn naf jien wiehed jista’ jghid, nghidu ahna, li Marilyn Manson jew Lady Gaga jagixxu bhala rock stars bla ma wiehed necessarjament iwahhal poster taghhom fil-kamra. Jew le? U trid tpoggi l-affarijiet fil-kuntest – jien ghidt li Daphne tagixxi bhala rock star f’pajjiz BLA EBDA ROCK STAR ta’ veru. Importanti t-tieni parti tas-sentenza siehbi.

Jacques – My interest is the DCG phenomenon and, in particular, how and why she managed to create an event out of nothing. That’s what really interests me. Whether she uses correct tactics and whether she makes ‘an ideal use of blogs’ is, to me at least, secondary. For instance, are people who use blogs to exchange recipes or to say what they did on holiday making an ‘optimal use of blogs’? Probably not in your vision of things.

What I’m saying is: this phenomenon exists, why does it exist? Why does it make more noise than Ira Losco? Why can it threaten to destabilise an institution? Why does it have thousands of followers?

Yes David. And I have patiently explained once or twice that the phenomenon exists because of its content. If you look carefully, the “trash and destroy” did not always attract the masses. After 2 years of blogging it made a sudden impact. Why? You don’t have to be an Einstein to see why. The scandal, the rock and roll…. the sun… it sells more than the times…

I am interested in the phenomenon too. And I am also interested in the Blogging phenomenon in general.

How did the “taking sides” issue mix with the daphne phenomenon? You really think daphne is popular because she takes sides? You do not see the contradiction in what you say? Maybe not… I have posted a new post… maybe we continue the discussion there.

Love it or loathe it. (my new slogan with thanks to Mandy Mallia).

Inkomplu bil-qalb kollha taht il-post il-gdida. Just a small comment before I go and ‘waste some time’ at Kitsch Cafe with a cocktail and The Coming of The Third Reich…I don’t buy your statement that The Runs only had a big impact now. In fact, I believe that it had a massive impact on the outcome of the last national election. Hence it’s power, hence it’s importance for the present government. A dopo>

Hmm. Not too sure about that. Whether we ever get an open admission or not, the Runs was born as a reaction to J’accuse’s popularity at the time of said elections. Daphne wanted more space than the comments section on this blog (and good luck to her) and opened the Runs in order to have her own space and her own control on what is published. Whatever impact blogs (and I include mine here) had at the time (remember the Independent pasting whole sections onto the newspaper?) is nowhere near the impact of blogs post plategate.

By impact I am thinking about your man in the street (a) knowing about the blog and (b) more importantly, trying to access it directly or through his son/tech savvy contacts. During the elections people would not bother to move towards blogs… now the huge carrot of scandalous gossip worked wonders.

J’accuse verdict: there was no “massive impact” on the last election – except maybe as a counter to the “open” discussions on j’accuse. Next election… now that will be another story – and the bed’s been made thanks to Plategate.

Sempliciment kumment ghal sehibna Sully l-izbukkat. Wara l-ahhar ahbarijiet li l-pulizija marret tinterroga lil xi nies li fettlilhom jitfghu kumment kritiku (imnabbah minn Richard Dawkins)fuq il-Papa, nispera li int ragel bizzejjed biex tirtira (jew imqar timmodifika) dak li ghidt fil-kumment tieghek hawn fuq tal-15 ta’ April fid-09:07.

Mill-bqija, Paci u Sliem

@ DF – Ghadek thewden? Ha nghidlek veru kaz ta “wank and bore” altru che “trash and destroy”… Mela tiftakar dawn l-episodji:
1) Il-pulizija tinvestiga lil certu Sandro Vella ghax ir-Rcock Star tieghek fetlilha ma ghogbitiex xi cajta li KITEB (mhux ghamel) Sandro.
2)Il-pulizija tinterroga u zzomm lil xi nies assocjati ma Norman Lowell ghax xi hadd haraq il-bieb ta DCG….ghandi nifhem li qamu s-suspetti minhabba xi affarijiet li kitbu…
3) Il-pulizija tressaq lil Norman Lowell ghax ghajjar lil Edward Fenech Adami li kien qisu Lomumbu jew xi haga hekk…
4) Il-pulizija tinterogga lil Astrid Vella ghax il Perit Musumeci ghamilha xi tip ta libell
F’dawn il-kazijiet kollha qatt tharrikt minn fejn inxtehet gharkubbtejk igerrih quddiem in-nicca ta Daphne u ghidt xi haga dwar kif konna taht il-madmad ta (a) Daphne (b)Daphne (3) Fenech Adami (c) il Perit Musumeci??? Ma nahsibx…..jew ha nkun ragel bizejjed u nametti li ma niftakrekx tikteb xi haga f’dan is-sens. Minkejja l-antipatija li jista jkollok ghal Knisja?il-Vatikan/il-Papa ecc ecc, jibqa l-fatt li il-Papa hu Kap ta Stat u jekk il-pulizija hasbet li kien hemm xi theddida ghas sigurta, sewwa ghamlu hadu hsiebha….ovvjament ma naqbilx ma xi trattament Midnight Express ghal min ihossu kburi li tghallem jikteb il-kelma “pedofilu” u “papa” fl-istess linja, imma jekk ghandna Korp tal-Pulizija li intefa jiprottegi id-Divinita ta Daphne (qalet li ghandha protezzjoni tal-Pulizija) jistghu iqattghu xi nofs siegha l’hemm u l’hawn jaraw min qed jinsulenta u jhedded Kap ta Stat….

Ghadek ma fhimtux dak l-artiklu Sully. Ippruvajt nispjegah, ippruvajt niehdok bil-kalma imma issa xebbajtni bil-hamallagni arroganti tipiku ta’ bully liebes flokk ta’ taht bic-cingi. U dahlet l-ohra hejj, minghaliha qeghdin f’xi loghba tennis bejn John McEnroe u Ivan Lendl. Inzel igri minn fuq dak is-siggu gholi sinjorina! U jekk tridha ta’ l- umpire, fittex ghidilna minn int.

6-love 6-love 6-love :-)

ohh, touchy! some people just cannot stand losing an argument it seems.
And resorting to name calling poor old Sully? I guess the Runs have rubbed off on you in more ways than one.

You’re also a bit out of touch when it comes to tennis, hate to break it to you, but McEnroe/Lendl are no longer in the picture…these days it’s more like Roger Federer and Rafael Nadal. I suggest you keep yourself a bit more up to date.

Now I’ll just sit back and wait for the next barrage of insults. What will it be this time, saying that I probably vote Labour (coz that seems to be the worst thing you can tell someone these days, apparently). That, and that they have flabby arms…

Cheers Anna, cheers for updating me on the latest tennis news. Roger Federer? Never heard of him, sorry. I don’t like Swiss guys who do adverts with Henry and Tiger Woods. Not my style. Give me Lendl and Chang any day. Boris Becker was quite cool too. Tennis started going downhill with Pete Sampras I reckon.

You’re joking when you call Sully “poor old” right? Or maybe you like to be slapped around a bit by a guy like that from time to time.

Incidentally I don’t give a toss whether Sully is Labour, Lib-Dem, Nationalist or a raving fascist. I don’t classify people in those terms and if you’ve been following this blog, you should know that.

Issa mur gerr-beep ftit ma’ poor old Sully, darling. Gotta use the lingo back, no?

“Or maybe you like to be slapped around a bit by a guy like that from time to time.”

wow. such eloquence. so completely off topic. you see, I told you there would be an insult somewhere.

don’t tell me, let me guess, you’ve been taking lessons on how to use scathing below the belt put downs from our girl daph, right?
don’t worry jacques, this “conversation” with df is sooo over.

Glad to see you prefer the Sully approach to ‘conversation’, Anna the Umpire. You and he would make a great doubles team. Lessons from the woman you guys like to call ‘The Bidnija Witch’? Not likely. She puts far too much emphasis on the fake Naxinilist vs Lejber dichotomy. I just call an arrogant blockhead bully an arrogant blockhead bully without looking at his or her political leanings.

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