Italy’s famous blogger/activist Beppe Grillo has announced his intention to run for the post of secretary of the Partito Democratico. Reknown for his often controversial criticism of the political establishment, Grillo suprised many of his fans with this move. His intention is to revive an “empty” left that is devoid of all meaning and, in his words, “fascinated by its Berlusconian double”. The blogger can participate in the election of the Pd secretary because in an effort to import the U.S. primaries model, the Pd allows all citizens to vote in the earlier rounds for the choice of its leaders.
Le proposte “forti” sono quelle di sempre: «Per prima cosa devono andarsene quelli che hanno più di due legislature, quelli che hanno disintegrato l’Italia insieme allo psiconano, quelli che sono l’altra faccia dello psiconano, cioè D’Alema, Rutelli eccetera». (La Stampa)