Archive by Author

alex vella gera – il-kriżi u kif tegħlibha

The name may now be associated with controversy, much to his chagrin, but when alex vella gera hit the blogosphere it was “erezija” (heresy). Weird, eccentric and for a very long time I thought it was too far-fetched to be real. You discover Alex when you learn to discover his reflections and observations. I’d say […]

toni sant – toni sant’s blog

Toni was probably bored of blogging by the time the first critical mass of bloggers had formed (or as Gybexi put it “feeeetħu blooog”). Toni turned slowly from detached blogger to a regular on the scene thanks to his “Muzika Mod Iehor” podcast that turned out to be much more of a regular occasion than […]

immanuel mifsud – il-blobb tas-sibt filghaxija

I only met Immanuel for the first time at the Frankfurt International Book Fair last year. Until then Immanuel was a series of labels – virtual and reported. Besides being an acclaimed author, Immanuel was also this reference point on the blogosphere – something like a Maltese version of the east European authors who I […]

david friggieri – lanzarote

Armed with quotes from Houellebecq and other wankellectuals, Friggieri stepped into the blogosfera in a desperate attempt at defining the Maltese psyche. The examiner became the studied as the inescapable traits of the fishpond mentality provided a whirlpool of unwelcome distractions. Lanzarote became a distant island – whether it was because the kitchen was too hot or […]

mark vella – xifer: il-blogg mit-truf

Lunchtime. And time for Mark Vella, the man who made the mistake of egging me on to start blogging. It’s ages ago now but we quickly settled around the big arguments and little commonalities. Could we illude ourselves that it was a thesis and an antithesis? What about all that discourse about chips and class […]

gybexi – inutile de degeler

The third “schrift” comes from our friend in Brussels whose nickname “gybexi” has a nickname of its own: Kurat van Buitengaats. He was the first among the invitees to call my bluff about the “festschrift in honour of”. Delusions of grandeur he called it. Of course he is right. J’accuse is neither some great academic […]