Archive by Author

gybexi – inutile de degeler

The third “schrift” comes from our friend in Brussels whose nickname “gybexi” has a nickname of its own: Kurat van Buitengaats. He was the first among the invitees to call my bluff about the “festschrift in honour of”. Delusions of grandeur he called it. Of course he is right. J’accuse is neither some great academic […]

antoine cassar – triq il-maqluba

And here’s the quiet, calm enigmatic wordsmith of mosaics and passports. Antoine Cassar was a mysterious conundrum of linguistic curiosity wrapped up in a zen like attitude of constant reflection and awe. I will never forget the first ever contemporaneous blogging event that took place spontaneously at the airport. Xifer, Maqluba and J’accuse kicked off. Ten […]

maltagirl – diverse ramblings

Welcome to “eine festschrift fur j’accuse”. You’ll be getting a post an hour from now on. We begin with the ladies. And it’s not a causal coincidence that we start with Ms Maltagirl – the lady who can claim to be Malta’s longest running blogger tracing her blog beginnings waaaay back in 2001. J’accuse has […]

The Ugly Dress Rehearsal

They’re electing representatives of the people in a number of councils tomorrow. From Zebbug (Gozo) to Sliema (Malta) the voters who will bother to take a stroll to the polling booth will be electing a group of people who are supposedly best placed to manage the needs of their locality. That is the principle behind […]

The Frontier Psychiatrist

Given that it is hard to keep up with the emptiness that is offered from our political milieu two days before a set of local council elections campaign, given also that I do not have the time required to set up a proper SHTF satirical video in Blobb style, given that there are two days […]