Archive by Author

Daqqiet ta’ Harta

Tad-daqqiet ta’ ħarta! and Ma jistħux min Alla li ħalaqhom! These are the expressions that first come to mind within the first two minutes of watching this Labour oriented production (see “Inkontri” clip below). Sure, we have seen a tacky revival of “Tal-Barrani” and “Raymond Caruana” nostalgia from the PN corner of our dumbass political duopoly. […]

Reporter Ripped Apart

Saviour Balzan is anything but an investigative journalist. His agenda-driven interviews make that other paragon of “journalism above everything” pale in comparison. Saviour “interviews” but he is not interested in listening to his interlocutor in order to build on the next question. He’s busy labelling and selling stereotypes that fit into his idea of the […]

Rush on the Central Bank

The Times reports that there is nothing to worry about the queues forming outside the Central Bank. The picture taken by the Times shows a snaking queue outside the Valletta office of the Central Bank. Obviously the Times’ calming headline must be read in the context of the current economic scenario. Belgium for example is […]


One for the Letzeburg residents. I thought of using J’accuse to plug the better half’s more productive hobby/passion. For more information go to the site: . I’ve tried the boots and believe you me… it’s fun (though too much exercise for the likes of couch potato/FIFA12 me). If you’re not in Luxembourg and would […]

Mock George that Week

In a previous life when Ghaddafi was still alive and celebrating his 40th anniversary…. fast forward to around 5 minutes 24 seconds… and see the bit about our President….There was “one Western Leader. Like Mugabe and the others were there but there was ONE Western Leader”…. (Don’t worry… it’s already doing the rounds on FB)