Archive by Author

Press On (a preview)

Here’s a snippet from tomorrow’s J’Accuse column on the Malta Independent on Sunday. I am a strong believer in the role of the press, of books and of ideas in the functioning of a proper democracy. As John Milton wrote in his Aeropagitica “He who destroys a good book, kills reason itself”.There’s much truth in […]

The Coach & Horses

Much is being made about Peppi Azzopardi’s side-career as a “coach” to prominent persons in the political sphere. Such persons tend to be, or have been, of a nationalist persuasion although I have it on good record that Peppi has also given non-nationalists the benefits of whatever expertise he has – admittedly within campaigns that […]

Gallery Pi goes Yerbury

Bertu of Bertoons for J’accuse has sent in a promo blurb for this exhibition that is runnning at Rupert Cefai’s Gallery Pi between the 14th and 24th October. J’accuse dutifully passes on the information to its readers – do go check out Rupert’s little corner of Valletta in Archbishop Street. “Naked ruins exclusive at Gallery […]

The Sacking of a Journalist

The fourth estate being what it is, the news of the sacking of a trainee journalist (he was on probation) in a particular set of circumstances warrants careful examination. J’accuse has a long history of criticising the workings of the mainstream press and is not about to hold back now. I am of course referring […]

J’accuse : Studies in Theatre

According to a possibly apocryphal story that is doing the rounds on the Internet, Steve Jobs watched the launch of the iPhone 4S from his favourite sofa in his home in Palo Alto. The man hailed as a visionary by the world’s press purportedly snacked on apples and rice pudding throughout the performance of Tim […]