Archive by Author

Think Different (1955-2011)

Is it hyperbolic of me to describe the death of Steve Jobs as something on the similar scale as living in the time of Galileo Galilei and being told of his death? Much will be written by many in acknowledgement of the greatness of this man and his impact on the globe. Us willing Apple […]

We don’t need no education

It’s Student’s Day and the University of Malta is abuzz as it is wont to be on such an occasion. I haven’t seen anything online about the KSU or University commemorating this moment in history but that might be for fear of Deborah Schembri or Cyrus Engerer lashing back and reminding us that bringing up […]

Dio é morto

Mi han detto che questa mia generazione ormai non crede in ciò che spesso han mascherato con la fede, nei miti eterni della patria o dell’ eroe perchè è venuto ormai il momento di negare tutto ciò che è falsità, le fedi fatte di abitudine e paura, una politica che è solo far carriera, il […]

J’accuse : Patients and their virtues

In case you were wondering, yes, I did survive my bachelor’s weekend in Italy. There’s nothing like spending some quality time with close friends who can second guess your every whim and fancy without batting an eyelid. It would indeed be a great world to live in if we all managed to live together like […]

The Libyan Patients

You take an unplanned break from blogging and when you come back you find out that nothing much has changed. Last time we were blogging regularly (seems like ages but it’s only a week ago) we commented on the farce that was the MUMN’s badly managed PR about the stress caused to the Maltese health […]

Blast from the past

I’d like to apologise for the current dearth of blogging but in between a compressed workload, the run up to the day I tie the knot and works in progress chez J’accuse (plus a bachelors to recove from) we’ve found little time to write the many things that have passed through our mind. Meanwhile, to […]