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Welcome Home

…i risultati conseguiti sul campo… un campo verde come questo… solcato da linee bianche che definiscono il nostro destino. Linee che non mentono. Perche il campo dice sempre la verità. Un prato come questo che ha consacrato 29 volte Campione di Italia….

The Bad Game

(Il-logħba ħażina). So Gaddafi is not in Niger after all. He has called a Syrian TV-channel (yes, those channels currently denying the existence of mass killings in Syria by pro-Syria leader forces) and told them that “Nah, nah, nah, it’s not true. I am not in Niger. I am in Libya and will fight till […]

Plategate revisited

The Plategate saga is in the news again thanks to the testimony given in court by the accused. Here’s some J’accuse pointers that could have very well been gathered over the various posts in which we chronicled the event and questioned its motives through the past 18 months. If you are interested (really?) in previous […]

Feel Good Inc.

Part 1 – food A holiday planned around a wedding in Cambridge was a great opportunity to really relax and switch off. While I could not really resist the temptation to hook onto WiFi and catch up on the news outside, I found the pull of the great town (its history, its food and its […]