Archive by Author

Smile (More)

Well. We’re here. And that’s a good thing. Being here is rock. Having a blog purged from malicious hacks is rock (and roll). Having friends who spend a whole night with you trying to figure out what the fuck went wrong is rock (and roll encore). Not being Gaddhafi is rock. Not being in a […]

Hack, Hacker, Hacked

While I was busy posting about hacks yesterday (De Moribus Viator) J’accuse (the blog) was being mightily rogered by some mini-genius hacker. That shot most of the afternoon for me trying to understand why the hell any outside links to J’accuse were being redirected to some weird site with a .ru appendage. I say for […]

De Moribus Viator

Julia Farrugia’s “rapping” at the hands of the Press Ethics Commission (PEC) has brought the question of journalistic ethics back to the discussion arena. J’accuse has long taken the subject of journalistic ethics to heart – particularly within the context of the growth of the role of blogs and blog content in the public sphere. […]


End of the two weeks in Malta. The notes from a small island include a register of the pent up frustration that surfaces when discussing and that contrasts incredibly with the image of laid back Med country that is part of the daily tableau. We don’t travel to judge. Us expats I mean but we […]

J’accuse : Papillon

Papillon is the name of a 1969 novel written by Frenchman Henri Charrière. The (allegedly) autobiographical novel tells of Charrière’s extraordinary saga at the hands of the French criminal justice system between 1931 and 1945 after he had been condemned to a period of hard labour on Devil’s Island as a punishment for murder. Charrière’s […]

What Paradise?

The immigrants are rioting. The Maltese comment boards are rife with spiteful messages of the “send them back home” kind. Forget blaming the police or the government. It’s the whole damn country that’s in a mess at the worst possible time. I’m not speaking of hysterical bloggers switching attention from the real issues to a […]