Archive by Author

The part I don’t take

The list of speakers for tomorrow’s Civil Society Demonstration has been published and readers by now will have noticed that I am one of them. I have seen comments directed at me both on the Times and Independent articles on the event. According to one commentator I was an obvious choice because I wrote “against […]

Strait Street Activism

October 2017 has also been the month of the worldwide #metoo campaign – a campaign highlighting the victims of sexual assault. Tonight, as hundreds of women kicked off the #occupyjustice campaign by setting up tents in Castille Square a civil rights stalwart from the 20th century decided to offer his own expert opinion on the […]

The Long Haul

“The murder of blogger Daphne Caruana Galizia triggered off a difficult moment for Malta, but it should not be allowed to derail the country’s long-term plans, Prime Minister Joseph Muscat said today.” Muscat was speaking in a pre-recorded message to the audience of the EY annual conference in Malta. It had to be a video tape […]

No, I am not emotional. My head is cold.

The exchange in court between Minister Cardona’s lawyer and Matthew Caruana Galizia prompted me to start a meme using Matthew’s reply. #iamnotemotional. Later I received a private message from a member of Daphne’s family pointing out that the full quote that day included the phrase “My head is cold”. Eleonora saw this exchange and was […]

THE GOVERNMENT LIES – a look into government spin in the aftermath of Daphne’s assassination

In this first of a series of posts, JOE BLOGGS (a pseudonym) takes a close, hard look at the evolution of government spin in the aftermath of the assassination of Daphne Caruana Galizia. This did not start on October 16th. Read on… Speed is essential. As we have heard many experts say, the first 24 […]