Archive by Author


It’s been a lovely first day on Melita. My first task on the island was to perform my civic duty and vote for one or more of the candidates contesting the election for the Hamlet of Paceville. Having dispatched this week’s article to the folks at the Indy I headed for the Millenium chapel for […]

Plato's Cave Men

On this first Th!nk post, J’accuse examines the possible role of a blog in a blogging community writing about “global cooperation and sustainable development” in the run up to the UN Millennium Development Goals Review Summit in September 2010. Why blog? What about? Where about? Who about? It’s those “double-u’s” again, and it’s an existential […]

Thinkabout It! III

This blog is off to Brussels again to take part in the launching of the third Thinkabout IT! experience. We had skipped the second one due to work obligations but we are back for the Development edition. We have no idea what to look forward to or what to expect but it is always an […]

The Jungle Out There

I have to start the column this week by confessing the complete failure of a project that was (and still is) very close to my heart. I believe that almost 15 years have passed since I resigned from my first post on the executive committee of the university students’ council. I had been elected thanks […]