We interrupt current programming to remind you that five years ago today the blog called J’accuse was born. The first post on J’accuse entitled The Kinnie Generation was essentially an existential question: Why Blog? Well, it seems like the question answered itself since we have not stopped blogging since.
Author: Jacques René Zammit
The Talcum Powder Plot
Where we delve into one of the legal issues surrounding Plategate. Lawyers and the law were never meant to be interesting but make no mistake – the upholding and application of the same set of rules to everybody is an important foundation of our society. La legge é uguale per tutti. Bear with us. It’s a long one.
Where we publish a comment that the Times chose not to publish under its court report today. J’accuse is sorely tempted to start one of those useless facebook campaigns and call it: “It’s the Blog, Stupid”. Incidentally feel free to call us pedants. We’ll take the liberty to call you stupid.
The Real King Makers (a flashback)
It’s two years since the cliffhanger election was won by the party with the largest number of votes short of 50%. Tonight J’accuse urges you to find some good movie to watch (or PS3 game to master) rather than waste your precious time watching TVM in the hope of some real assessment of the first two years of this government.
The Rot in Wonderland
Following a rabbit can be quite a silly thing to do. Especially one wearing a waistcoat and carrying a watch. Of course it remains silly so long as you are not Alice about to begin her adventures in Wonderland or, as the new Tim Burton movie has it, Underland. Alice is back in a Wonderland that is slowly rotting away thanks to the obsessions of the Red Queen and the minion “spittle-suckers” who surround her in nodding appeasement.
Legality Now
Why a rally organised by Environmental NGO’s could hide a deeper message for those who care to dig.