Part II of the J’accuse analysis of the programme that signalled the death of investigative journalism in Malta on the 22nd February 2010 – Bondiplus “Thinking Allowed”.
Part II of the J’accuse analysis of the programme that signalled the death of investigative journalism in Malta on the 22nd February 2010 – Bondiplus “Thinking Allowed”.
Part I of a J’accuse analysis of the programme that signalled the death of investigative journalism in Malta on the 22nd February 2010 – Bondiplus “Gurnalizmu fuq kollox“.
A trip through historical footage – reminding us who we really are and why we think the way we think. Watch with an open mind. We don’t mean anything other than what the video(s) say(s).
Where we discuss how Malta’s younger generation are being fed the wonderful example of adult cyber-bullying – cyber-terrorism.
An obituary and crime report.
This week’s quotes that make you go ooh- from the rest of the world to Plategate.