
J'accuse: Empowerment

The latest fare from today’s J’accuse column in The Malta Independent on Sunday. In which we discuss Dalli, Debono, Camilleri and Avatar.


Bulgaria's Jeleva fails EP test

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Bulgarian Commissioner-Designate Rumiana Jeleva failed to answers questions on a company she owns during the hearings at the European Parliament which will decide on whether she becomes the EU’s Crisis Response commissioner. According to latest news Jeleva will be asked to step aside from the Barroso II Commission.


Vatican Unimpressed by Avatar

The Vatican’s not impressed by the story of a guy who takes the form of a different race on another planet and is prepared to give up his life in order to save them from destruction and eternal damnation. Go figure.

Arts Politics

Freedom of Expression

or why Mark Camilleri (and Alex Vella Gera) really ought to be imprisoned for a sensible period of time


Don't mess with my iPhone

Google Nexus has gone through its teething process on the market. Reviews have not been so good for the phone that has been dubbed the G-Phone. The complaints range from the relatively superficial – why doesn’t G-Phone retail in shops? – to the serious – who is the customer’s reference? The latter complaint is the result of Google not being the direct manufacturer of the phone (HTC is) and also of the fact that the distribution of the phone also introduces a network provider intermediary (Verizon in the US). So who do you call if you have a query? Apparently customers have been faced with the much hated ping ponging of responsibilities – never a winner with the frustrated emptor.

What has made the news is the bad news about customer service and packaging. Is the g-phone doomed to relative failure (compared to the success of the iPhone) simply for the bad choices of the Google marketing team? No big complaints have been registered in the reviewing media with regard to the actual software and hardware (there are early issues such as reception in some US areas – but to be fair iPhone had these too). Will we have to wait a little longer before getting the final verdict in the iPhone vs gPhone wars?
Finally, for those who have been asking, my review of the Sony Ebook reader will have to wait a little longer as the delivery service takes its time with the package from Germany. It should be here any day soon though.


Ospedale F.C.

Manninger – Grygera – Cannavaro – Chiellini – Grosso – Salihamidzic – Melo- de Ceglie – Caceres – Diego – Del Piero

Escludendo ulteriori danni fisici (scongiuri dovuti) da qui a mercoledi, la squadra più scudettata d’Italia si trova in una situazione pù che disastrosa. Prima di dare tutta la colpa a Ferrara o al primo giocatore che fa sbagli inutili qui bisogna rivedere il progetto oggettivamente. Troppi (ma davvero troppi) infortuni. Non si puo creare schemi con metà dell’organico fuori uso. Salviamo il posto in Champions e poi si vedrà.

De Ceglie in mezzo al centrocampo, Caceres ala destra e Del Piero unica punta? A questo passo la cosa più interessante da vedere mercoledi contro un Napoli in forma sarà proprio la panchina della Juve. Mi sa che ci sarà Bettega come sostituto.

Infortuni/Non utilizzabili:
Sissoko (CAN)
Tiago (in partenza)

e scusateci se è poco.