We have it from the horse’s mouth. The PN spin-machine (or writers – they don’t spin it seems, just write) may have toyed with the twin theories of “Franco was asleep” and “Franco was sick” but they will have to come up with something very, very creative to spin (or write) this one away. Here is the Times summary of their interview with Dr Debono. It leaves little space for doubt – starting from the very title: “Franco Debono gives reasons for his parliamentary protest”. No need to rub your eyes. It was a protest after all.
Nationalist MP Franco Debono has revealed that he spoke on the reasons for his absence from Parliament on Monday to the Prime Minister (never mind the alarmclocks) and to the whip of the Nationalist parliamentary group, David Agius (never mind the doorknockers). In new comments to the press, he said that in the wider context (? – do note that the narrower context is still being kept between Franco, Lawrence and presumably David), he was complaining about the dignity of Parliament (hear, hear), problems in the South of Malta (their capital “S”) and fundamental problems in the justice sector. He said he had been considering his protest for some weeks (may I ask if it was on his mind after the Bondiplus episode – so Lou can take some credit?) and he felt his message had been conveyed (loud and clear Franco). The full interview is being published today in The Sunday Times.
Don’t miss out on J’accuse’s take on it all (Bad Romance – They’ve all gone Gaga this Christmas) in today’s issue of The Malta Independent on Sunday.