
Case 30814/06

That’s the number of the case that has us all talking. It’s Lautsi vs Italy and just in case you are one of those whose job it is to edit the comments on the Times let me remind you that the case is set before the European Court of Human Rights and not the European Court of Justice. That’s right the Strasbourg Court that is linked to the Council of Europe and not to the European Union. Today Silvio the Sinner announced that no matter what the result of the appeal will be, Italy is not obliged to implement the decision of the court. No surprise there – it is after all Mr Lodo Alfano speaking – but this matter is not only about Silvio and Italy. It is a European matter (do note the absence of the word Union from this sentence).

The matter goes straight to the heart of European identity and queries the “poitical correctness” that has managed to infiltrate the hallowed ground of the courts of law. The problem with deeming a crucifix offensive might be seen to be the fact that leaving the crucifix might offend some but there is also the inalienable fact that removing the crucifix offends many. Personally I find the cross vs crucifix discussion a non sequitur – an amateur attempt to wriggle out of the real question at stake. It’s not like crucifixes have suddenly sprung up in Italian (or other nation’s) schools this year (or in 2006): they have been there since before De Amicis wrote his “Cuore”.


Guest post: Creative Writing vs Censorship

Publisher (and J’accuse reader) Chris Gruppetta has given us his kind permission to republish the following letter that appeared in today’s edition of the Times. J’accuse has not yet entered the numerous debates on the various facets of censorship that flared up this week and we will reserve most of our writing for Sunday’s article. Meanwhile Chris’ letter touches on a number of interesting points that might serve as the basis of kicking off the discussion on this blog. It goes without saying that  the opinion expressed in this letter is Chris’ and not that of J’accuse.


The Return of the Jack (probably)

You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake
You are not a beautiful and unique snowflake

Apologies for our extended unannounced absence. Allow me to allay your fears – it takes more than a joke about the alternative names my mother had for me to upset me. Much more in fact. Unfortunately on our drive down from Kent (approximately as we approached Lille) my girlfriend got some very sad news from Malta. A very close friend of hers had passed away in tragic circumstances. I did not know this person at all and because of that I do not believe it’s right for me to talk about him. I have never been good with words at times like this, and I wonder who really is.

I allow myself one reflection – it’s a cold and cruel world out there and we should be thankful for the people who are close to us because whether we like to admit it or not it is thanks to them too that we choose to go on when the masks are down and the social niceties become extremely transparent.

Just as you think that things are streaming along quite nicely and while you are still allowing for the joy of the long weekend to seep in, life slaps you in the face with a cruel reminder of its finality. It’s been a tough couple of days and I am sure the heavy feeling of sadness will not go just yet. I don’t think I need to apologise if crucifixes on walls or rude newspapers on campus seemed like matters too trivial to contemplate through blogging.

We’re back (or at least we hope so) and will probably kick off properly this afternoon. Probably though, because I might still prefer a walk in the park after work.

Carpe diem.


J'accuse: Out of Sync


This article and accompanying Bertoon was published on last Sunday’s edition of The Malta Independent on Sunday (01.10.09).

It has definitely been a weird week chez J’accuse. It’s mostly been all work and no blog for Jack. The main victim has been the blog as well as the general following of news that allows this correspondent of yours to keep your reading interests satiated on a weekly basis. As I sit down before my PC late on Wednesday evening, I am engaging in what can be described as a tour de force of what has been on in Malta and beyond in order to be able to provide you with the weekly digest notwithstanding my “out of sync status”.

Before you posit that most pertinent of questions allow me to pre-empt your query, pregnant as it is with demented curiosity, by informing you that as of Thursday I will have quit the mainland on what has become my annual trip to Albion. My annual visit coincides with the period when the foulest stench is in the air, that funk of forty thousand years with grizzly ghouls from every tomb that close in to seal your doom – and although the unwelcoming villagers of the most haunted village of Pluckley have decided to renege on the Halloween festivities this year, I intend to be have a well-deserved rest after the over-drive of the past few weeks.

All of which means that it is of the essence for you to know that most of the news that I report happened up until the eve of the 28th of this month (and with a bit of hindsight I add on the eve of the 29th – there’s an Internet connection at the Lodge!). That should suffice as insurance lest subsequent events have the unpleasant effect of nullifying any of the arguments made hereunder.



Ghadni Kent, midfun f’nofs il-kampanja hlejja. Ironikament is-sistema tat-telefon qajla twassal dawn in-nahat pero b’xorti tajba hawn il-wireless ta’ dar vicin li tippermetti xi forma ta’ komunikazzjoni. Wara tlett ijiem sbieh ta’ xiri gol-belt inkredibbli ta’ Canterbury, u gol-konkrit devastanti ta’ Ashford, u wara li ntlift gol-pjaciri tas-Cinque Ports fl-ahhar waslet il-maltempata illi kienet ilha imwieghda tul il-btala. Hafna ilma, hafna xita u l-ilwien jinbiddlu. Illum jum il-qaddisin kollha – toussaints kif jghidu il-Francizi.

F’dal erbat ijiem mort it-tijatru darbtejn. Darba rajt il-kumpanija komika Spymonkey go “Moby Dick” (eccellenti) go Canterbuy imbaghad rajt lill-imitatur Alistair McGowan gewwa Royal Tumbridge Wells (inkredibbli). Tijatri helwin, ifakkruk fl-ghoxrinijiet u Jeeves u Wooster, prezz accessibilissimu u serata garantita.

Jien se nzur il-kosta u niekol ikla twajba go xi pub iehor. It-toroq ta’ Kent kollha tlajja’ u dojoq – panorama sabiha imma jghajjuk fis-sewqan. L-aqwa li illum toussaints – ghax ghat-telgha kull qaddis jghodd!


Kentish Break

In case you had not noticed… I’m on holiday… in Kent (as usual in Halloween). See you on Tuesday.

From October 2009 Kent