J’accuse has done its bit of political reflecting for a while now. And the conclusion of all this reflecting on the local political scene?
Easy… it sucks.
P.S. If anyone is looking for me I’m the one on the deckchair in Ghadira. :)
J’accuse has done its bit of political reflecting for a while now. And the conclusion of all this reflecting on the local political scene?
Easy… it sucks.
P.S. If anyone is looking for me I’m the one on the deckchair in Ghadira. :)
A few snapshots of my first day in Malta. Drove straight to Ghadira from the airport and had a lovely afternoon swim in crystal clear waters with no sign of jellyfish in sight. Later, when the sun set and I had gone through thede rigeur “torta with gbejna and ful” (pie with gozo cheese and beans) I drove up to Evans building for a quick pick up of my voting document.
Or so I thought. I had read in the Times (not inflight, thanks to a Union strike) that 19,000 votes remained uncollected until Wednesday night. I am sure that the figure will need some revising after witnessing the queues today. People seem to have changed their mind and might be choosing to make a statement through their vote. Interesting. Gonzi must be happy. Maybe.
Or maybe they will heed J’accuse and Vote 1. Cassola, 2. Grech, 3. Demicoli (yes, feedback from J’accuse readers has shown that an overwhelming number among you prefer Grech to Mizzi on the Labour ticket. So be it. Let it not be said that J’accuse is not capable of the best of U-turns!)
Fausto insists. J’accuse wrote “tout est possible” instead of “tout devient possible” in order to create a spurious link between the Nationalist and Sarkozy campaigns. Ok. Click on “Read More” for some lovely picture games…
Last minute pitches from the last minute candidates. The pitch is high now that we enter the last two days of election fever. Is it really fever? Are the polls right in saying many people will opt to stay home? Will they venture out of their homes and caravans to vote on the day anyway? Is Joseph Muscat’s Labour Crew heading for the protest victory that will fuel the illusion that PL is now a winning machine (again)?
More directly. Are the people who count still easily convinced by the Nationalist pitches? Are there any people who count? Isn’t it more “one for all and all for one” and there is no place for the swingers? Or are the swingers really determining the fifth seat? In that case will they opt for the shaky Cassola option or will they prefer beach to polling booth?
I must admit that the Milan -Liverpool 3-3 Champion’s League debacle provided tenser entertainment. On the other hand we are already drawing possible valuable lessons. The nationalists at Stamperija are becoming as paranoid as Joseph’s accolytes. Their gagging order on candidates was proof if we ever needed any. The labour crew are still as disillusioned that they have brought off the necessary change as ever. The greens still do not plug the only line that could give them a breakthrough.
Meanwhile come Saturday we will be voting to elect our representatives in Parliament. We might want someone who can act as a reasonable conscience for our government – checking its faux pas before the Commission steps in and pushing its cause within their formation. Able candidates are needed. Yes-men (and women) are definitely off the list.
Does it really take guts to be able to veer away from the norm and vote intelligently with your interests at heart? We’ll know this Saturday.
On 6th June 2009 vote the J’accuse way!
Vote Crossly, Cross-Vote
J’accuse… pushing the right buttons since 2005
This one goes out to the Boyz in Blue (no expenses spared) and the Red Revolutionaries (they’re coming home, they’re coming home) to Paul Borg Olivier, Louis Grech, Vincent Farrugia, John Attard Montalto, Stefano Mallia, Glenn Beddingfield and David Casa.
Press ENLARGE button to enlarge (J’accuse is not responsible for any wrong buttons being pressed). The SUGABABES perform THE song for this election… PUSH MY BUTTON…
More to come…