or why Mark Camilleri (and Alex Vella Gera) really ought to be imprisoned for a sensible period of time
Category: Arts
White Christmas (Parc de Merl)
Let it Snow
An update from 22 rue de Bragance. After a short lull and a sunlit Boxing Day the snow is back in action. It’s turning out to be a jolly White Christmas after all and more excursions around the Grand Region will mean less blogging for now. Don’t panic. We’ll be back on the stroke of the New Year. Don’t forget today’s article on The Malta Independent on Sunday.
There's snow (luggage)
I’ll be putting up last Sunday’s article as soon as I can. It’s been a hectic two days with the parents thanks to the sheets upon sheets of snow that landed on Luxembourg and the rest of Europe. Their arrival kept slipping down the schedule as the weather wreaked havoc around the continent. They were scheduled to land at 10 p.m on Sunday with a connect flight. Through some major miracle they did make it to Luxembourg by 2am thanks to the second flight being as delayed as the first. Their suitcases failed to make it though. Four suitcases have been travelling around Frankfurt airport for almost two days now. Phoning Luxair for further information is rather impossible. Yesterday I left the phone speaking to an automated message for 1 hour 50 minutes only to be told that they have no new messages regarding the luggage.
This morning there is a ray of hope. Flight LG9302 from Frankfurt, landing in Luxembourg at 10.05 (about the time this post goes out) should contain the errant baggage. All fingers are crossed. Hopes are high and prayers are being repeated n a rhythmic mantra. Then. Only then. Can the holiday begin.