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2011 has begun in the sign of credit and crunches. As I zap through the news channels with a bile infested head the common thread seems to be the fact that there will be no let up to the effects of the credit crunch in this golden year. While the Con-Dem coalition is under fire […]

Alert's Right of Reply

As I stated in the update to the previous post, Claudine Cassar of Alert Communications expressed her wish to make a few clarifications with regards to both the post as well as the stories circulating in the media about the launch of Trolleymania. The following is the full, unedited text of the email sent by […]

Story of an IT Fiasco – Trolleymania

Minutes after publishing this post I received a message from Alert Managing Director Claudine Cassar in which she expressed her desire to give her company’s point of view and highlight a few inaccuracies that were expressed in the post. I have invited Claudine Cassar to send me a write up that will be posted as […]

Legal Blackmail

More on the world of copyright infringement and threats to consumers. On January 26th 2010 Hansard records show a lively debate in the House of Lords concerning the Digital Economy Bill amendments. One of the hot issues in that was the bullying methods of copyright holders vis-à-vis internet consumers. Here is what Lord Lucas had […]