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There's no such thing as a free (Wi-Fi) lunch

“69  main squares and public gardens around Malta and Gozo will offer free wi-fi in the coming weeks, bringing the number of open spaces offering the service to 88.” That’s wonderful news and all those involved in this project should be lauded with more than a pat on the back. But is free Wi-Fi sustainable […]


‘Ndrangheta boss Manfredi has been caught by the Italian police. In a weird twist of events that continues to demonstrate the naiveté of a certain generation when using networking sites, Manfredi was snatched by the mobile squad of Crotone after it was discovered that he was a frequent user of Facebook using the nickname “Scarface”. […]

It's the Blog, Stupid

Where we publish a comment that the Times chose not to publish under its court report today. J’accuse is sorely tempted to start one of those useless facebook campaigns and call it: “It’s the Blog, Stupid”. Incidentally feel free to call us pedants. We’ll take the liberty to call you stupid.

Error 8001050F: PS3 World Bug

Last night I finally found time to try out the latest hit from PS3 – “Heavy Rain”. I figured a good half hour to see the intro and get used to the controls would do before settling down to watch “Into the Storm” a snapshot of Winston Churchill’s life during WWII. The PS3 started playing […]

Don't mess with my iPhone

Google Nexus has gone through its teething process on the market. Reviews have not been so good for the phone that has been dubbed the G-Phone. The complaints range from the relatively superficial – why doesn’t G-Phone retail in shops? – to the serious – who is the customer’s reference? The latter complaint is the […]