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The seven year wait

Joseph Muscat’s government had been in power for 1682 days on the day Daphne Caruana Galizia was assassinated. That’s 4 years, 7 months and 7 days. On the last of those 4 years, 7 months and 7 days Daphne Caruana Galizia would write those fatal words that are now part of the history of this […]

Human Capital

“Abbiamo alzato la posta, ci siamo giocati tutto, anche il futuro dei nostri figli. E adesso finalmente ci godiamo quello che ci spetta.” from “Il Capitale Umano”, Paolo Virzi A migrant worker falls from the height of two storeys while working on a construction site. Someone, probably the migrant worker’s employer, puts him in the car with a […]

The EU Digital COVID Certificate and Malta’s Latest Measures

Malta’s latest COVID measures have still not been made into law. Although the measures announced over the weekend are meant to come into effect tomorrow, the Legal Notice that should make them law has not been published yet. The latest measures have proven to be controversial due to the stringent conditions imposed in what seems […]

Good Night & Good Luck 2021

This year has been a quiet year on this blog. Most of my writing has taken place elsewhere, mostly on the j’accuse column over at the Shift News. It’s not just COVID19 that is to blame for the year with least posts on but also the wonderful arrival of Maddalena Victoria into our lives […]

The Faces of Impunity

Whenever I watch documentaries about popular uprisings against dictatorships I always end up wondering about those special forces, elite or otherwise, who are called upon to defend the dictator/politician from the crowds. When not in uniform do these soldiers have a life? Do they go home and bring bread to the table to a family […]