The 6c price hike in fuel announced by Enemalta and effective today risked being a very nasty April Fools joke. Apparently it wasn’t. Fuel prices will go up in Malta, much as they are doing in the rest of Europe and the world. Only in Malta though will the blame be lain squarely at the feet of GOnZiPN. A quick run through facebook yesterday gave me a concerted effort from Labour MP’s and apparatchiks all complaining that Gonzi is adding on to the misery suffered by the Maltese families.
It’s useless arguing with a Labour diehard who is desperate to blame Gonzi for anything. Apparently Gonzi waited for the local council elections to be over before announcing the price hike. Sure. So did David Cameron, Jean-Claude Junker, Angela Merkel and the rest of the European leaders. Not to mention Barack Obama in the US. Can you picture Cameron sitting patiently waiting for the last results from the San Lawrenz count to peter out before making his move on the cost of fuel in British petrol pumps?
“Are the Saint Lawrence results in yet George? Can you be so kind and ask Cruddas to get another bottle of that Moet while we’re waiting'” Meanwhile, in the real world here’s an Essentiel article from Luxembourg explaining why the price of fuel is going up everywhere: “Porquoi l’essence flambe en Europe?“. See Edward Zammit Lewis, Chris Cardona, Evarist Bartolo? I am not motivated by a penchant at defending the current government, I am just intrigued by what Labour is proposing to do in the same circumstances.
Will Joseph Muscat give us the wild promise of subsidised petrol? Do his Labour fanatics know that voting for a government that subsidises fuel means voting for a government that will have to find a way to pinch the money for that subsidy from their pockets? Of course they don’t. Or if they do become aware of that then they will let loose with a volley of non sequiturs starting with “Mela Sant kellu ragun bl-Isvizzera fil-Mediterran”. Blind fools. The lot of them.
Luxembourg has just reached a record high price for fuel. In Britain a threatened strike by petrol pump owners led the general public to become brutally aware about the importance of alternative modes of transport. To us at J’accuse the brutal truth that is exposed by the price hike in fuel is the actual relative cost of the botched attempt to reform public transport with the Delia-Gatt Arriva Plans. In times like these your car becomes a luxury to be used sparingly. Buses become popular if their service is efficient. In Wallonia – the French-speaking part of Belgium, recent figures suggest a doubling of the public service commuters (mainly buses). From 200,000 to 400,000 users in one year.
A smart opposition would put its finger on the real problem. Now, more than ever a proper and fully functional transport system is needed. Incentives from workplaces for employees to use buses would help – a workcard that covers the bus trips for example. Of course you cannot have buses running late or running never. But opposition is not about being smart. It’s about stoking the flames of anger and relying on the cheaply available fuel of blind faith.
Opposition is built on fools for love.