A trip through historical footage – reminding us who we really are and why we think the way we think. Watch with an open mind. We don’t mean anything other than what the video(s) say(s).
A trip through historical footage – reminding us who we really are and why we think the way we think. Watch with an open mind. We don’t mean anything other than what the video(s) say(s).
An obituary and crime report.
This week’s quotes that make you go ooh- from the rest of the world to Plategate.
“Wheels within wheels” is another revived catchphrase in the Plategate saga. Here J’accuse opens the doors to questions being asked about a possible new set of wheels within the media industry. Often accused of being PN or PL driven it could be that the demarcation lines are not so clearly red and blue.
Prompted by Pots we look at two recent US opinions on the judiciary and facebook.
Fr Joe Borg, often sighted (yes, not cited, sighted as in seen) as an expert witness on media matters in court, has been busy asking questions about how the mainstream media is tackling “Plate-gate“. We add some of our own.