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Two thousand and seventeen listicles

The self-imposed hiatus is still on for I managed to go through December resisting the temptation to type many a post. 2017 promises to be an even harder time for blogs of this type that exist in the limbo of old-fashioned punditry resisting all types of clickbait-inspired metamorphoses. In this limbo we look around […]

Gone Feasting

  The festive season came early here at J’accuse. We forgot to log off and wish our readers all the best. We’ll be back with the New Year. Recharged. Thanks for reading and hanging on with this blog as it starts its 11th year. This has been J’accuse… blogging so you don’t have to.


Illum wara nofsinhar ġej insellimlek. Martek qaltilna ma nilbsux kulur id-dwejjaq. Qaltilna li ma kontx tkun tixtieq, u minkejja li ma nafekx sew naqbel. Biex nilbsu lewn ħsibijietek u tbissimtek inkunu irridu qata’ sew mill-materjal tal-hippies, dawk tal-psikedeliku. Kif għidtlek, ma nafekx sew Philip. Bilkemm kont indunajt li għandek (għax tibqa’ għal dejjem) affinita għall-inkwina. Nafek […]

I aten’t dead (reprise)

Yes it has been the silly season and we have taken a step back from the computer screen. Between a marathon of pre-season football frenzy (Britghton, Charity Shield, Metz and Metz again as well as Luxembourg’s great victory against Lithuania) and desperate attempts to enjoy the laid back season we did not really keep our […]

The Knot

We have been away and will be for some time yet. It’s a special time in the J’accuse family. The younger J’accuse – who is as similar to J’accuse as night is to day – will be tying the knot this weekend. He may be Malta’s topmost podologist (just kidding, no ethical issues involved here […]

Bitch please

I’ve got to stifle a yawn. Or two. But here goes. 1. I aten’t dead. Just calmer. Cooler. Zen. 2. Fear. Ignorance. They’re still out there. They’re still peddling their stories. they still think fear can get you to twist your thoughts. Sensational taste. They say jump you’ll say how high. 3. Sadly for Labour […]