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The Wasted Vote

So you voted PN last election? You got Lawrence Gonzi and Austin Gatt. You got David Agius and Jeffrey Pullicino Orlando. You got Edwin Vassallo and Tonio Fenech. You got Tonio Borg and Karl Gouder. You got the party that is anti-divorce on paper but can wake up one morning and spring a private members […]

I.M. Jack – Back at You

[DEUTSCHE COLI] German authorities are smarting from the latest discovery in the e. coli saga. Far from having been hatched in a Spanish farm during some lazy siesta, it turns out that the bacteria were unknowingly cultivated in a farm in Uelzen (south of Hamburg), Germany. The North-South cultural divide that tends to crop up […]

Understanding Eddie

Former President and Prime Minister Eddie Fenech Adami has chipped in to the post-referendum debate with an article on the Sunday Times (MP’s credibility on moral issues being put to the test). The article is bound to attract its own corner of controversy – particularly because on the face of it, it is firmly grounded […]