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It starts today

These are truly revolutionary times: here I am, guest posting in J’accuse of all places, while the owner of the blog is away. Parliament meets this evening. On its agenda the first reading of ”Motion No. 206 – Private Members Bill – Civil Code (Amendt) Bill” which translated into the amendments proposed by Jeffrey Pullicino-Orlando […]

A hymn – No to the Free Vote

As parliament gathers for the first reading tonight we have already heard the news about the first abstentions: Marie Louuise Coleiro and Charlò Bonnici have confirmed their intention to abstain. J’accuse has chosen a hymn for the Civil Rights Movement that is (hopefully) forming. It had to be Dylan of course. Moviment Le ghal Free […]

As the dust settles – Citizen Jack

The noise had almost begun to subside and the metaphorical dust seemed to settle around the result of “53% IVA 47% LE” it became increasingly unclear whether another showdown was underway. The definitive conclusion that could be drawn from the last 72 hours is that this is definitely a crisis moment for Maltese society. Echoes […]

Eppur' si muove…

These were the famously defiant words attributed by popular legend to Galileo. He was addressing the Pope shortly after being obliged to sign a recant of his theory that the earth spun around the sun. They are apt words today as the first news came out from the counting hall in MCC and as it […]