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Divorce and Their People

Before reading this post scroll down to the video at the end and watch it. Done? Now if the video does not raise a thousand different questions in your head all culminating in one massive WHY then you can leave this post. You’re incurable. If you do have these questions see if any of them […]

Mark A Falzon's YES

Mark Anthony Falzon, a columnist, lecturer and friend sent me the following document together with a request to disseminate the content. I gladly oblige for two reasons. The first is out of friendship towards Mark and out of the great respect to his manner of reasoning – I find that even when I do not […]

Felici Ma Trimoni (karaccuse)

CAPAREZZA Felici Ma Trimoni Veniste da me in una chiesa agreste,vi dissi “Fideles adeste,che d’è?”.Voi vi sedeste,mi diceste “Scusi padre,ci sposi,vogliamo dei carusi!”.Esterrefatto misi all’atto che eravate 8/4,e dietro la grata quatto quatto presi nota del peccato fatto.Iniziò lei che c’ha una parlata strana che renderebbe malsana la calma del Dalai Lama,perdiana! “Specchio specchio delle […]