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Sciophha ta' Lochi

Tislimiet mid-dinia phein id donna bendata ghadha timrah b’goduria sadomasochistica u phein ma inbidel scein mir regola stacanovista illi tinnarra “hadd ma ierdghu ichtar minn dach li ierdghu l’ichtar u dach li ierdghu l’ichtar hua deiiem ien (subjective).” Iddecideit minn ieddi u di mia sola sponta li napprofitta mid-disattentioni ta’ sid is sit u infaccharchom […]

Fault Li(n)es

Distractions, attractions and more. How easily we get waylaid by some mountainous pile of bull conjured up by the PLPN charade. Here’s the two videos made by both sides – each laying the blame squarely at the foot of the other with regards to the disenfranchised 2,800. They must both be seeing this issue as […]

J'accuse : The Lost Boys (and Girls)

For the second time in a few weeks, Joseph Muscat’s spin office has been producing promotional video clips for the divorce referendum that are about everything but divorce. This week Inhobbkom’s little video clip was about the 2,800 Lost Boys and Girls who will not be allowed to cast their frijvowt (free vote) in the […]

Now also for the Left

We’ve installed a new app on the J’accuse template. You’ve been complaining for some time now but the problem is finally solved. Left-handed readers of J’accuse will finally be able to enjoy the full blogging experience on J’accuse thanks to LeftInside™: the nippy little program that breaks down the barrier between the left and right […]

Freedom Xejn

A happy freedom day holiday to y’all on the island. Why the photo you ask? Well no disrespect and all but this geezer is everything and all about Freedom Day in 2011. He was there on the original freedom day when Malta celebrated the non-renewal of a contract by its wise and sage leader. He […]