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They gathered today in Valletta for a peaceful demonstration of solidarity with Libya and the Libyans. They gathered to send a clear message to Muammar – Free Libya! There were Libyans and there were Maltese. There were politicians and there were journalists and opinion columnists and bloggers. And there were also members of Malta’s Moviment […]


Much has being made of the unbelievable reports by some Maltese reporting from Tripoli. First there was Chris Fenech’s jaw-dropping interview with the Times and now there’s a Mario Micallef on l-Orizzont claiming that the situation in Tripoli is completely normal. I know Chris Fenech well enough to think that the man has a very […]

The Libyan Opportunity – 4

Once we’re on an “I’m going to say it if nobody bothers” roll let’s talk about Air Malta. First of all a hand on heart expression of gratitude and admiration to the crews who manned the Air Malta flights into Tripoli to get passengers out of the revolution torn country. There’s no sarcasm, really, we […]